2nd LT Rubert Cornay aka: Cornay Crew

by Douglas Jolman
(Kent City, Michigan)

As Rubert Cornay's son I would like to have your records show that there were a total of 11 brave men on that plane on Nov 1 1944.

The Cornay crew was to fly as the last plane in the proposed run and therefore a Combat Photographer was also assigned to photograph the destruction inflicted with the run.

I spent a year trying to identify the 11th man, and I found him but now it is your turn. He did NOT belong to the 376 but rather was assigned from a Photo Unit. He should be recognized and I assumed that was clarified years ago.

Thank You
Doug Jolman

PS: The assignment is in the original OPP order.

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The website 376bg.org is NOT our site nor is it our endowment fund.

At the 2017 reunion, the board approved the donation of our archives to the Briscoe Center for American History, located on the University of Texas - Austin campus.

Also, the board approved a $5,000 donation to add to Ed Clendenin's $20,000 donation in the memory of his father. Together, these funds begin an endowment for the preservation of the 376 archives.

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My Trip to San Pancrazio

October 2019


NOTE change in the schedule !!

DATES: Sep 25-28, 2025

CITY:Rapid City, SD

HOTEL: Best Western Ramkota Conference Hotel; 2111 North LaCrosse St., Rapid City, SD 57702; 605-343-8500

Click here to read about the reunion details.

previous reunions

For Sale

Divine Burden


The Other Doolittle Raid

The Broken Wings of Zlatibor

The Liberandos

Three Crawford Brothers

Liberando: Reflections of a Reluctant Warrior

376th Bomb Group Mission History

The Last Liberator

Full Circle

Shadows of Wings

Ten Men, A "Flying Boxcar," and A War

I Survived Ploesti

A Measure of Life

Shot Down In Yugoslavia

Stories of My Life


Born in Battle

Bombardier's Diary

Lost Airmen

Langdon Liberando