Oral Histories, Interviews, Etc.

Oral Histories

Ball State University

Oral Histories of the 376th HBG were taken at the 2007 annual reunion.  The interviews are being stored at Ball State University in Munice, Indiana.  You can access them via their website by clicking on the following link:

Ball State University

Interviews of the following 376th HBG veterans can be found there

      1. 376th Bombardment Group veterans
      2. Alverson, William David
      3. Andrews, Charles
      4. Bjerkelund, Walter A.
      5. Busch, Frank J.
      6. Bysiewicz, Stanley J.
      7. Cerelli, Victor, Jr.
      8. Clendenin, Edward F., Jr.               (son of a veteran)
      9. Cook, George W., Jr.
    10. Corbin, Odis
    11. Dunn, William Gibson
    12. Duval, Andre video
    13. Dzwigalski, Richard "Murphy"
    14. Ebert, Harry W. (oral history only)
    15. Eldridge, Jack Page
    16. Goldfarb, Martin Warren
    17. Gordon, Byfield D.
    18. Hebert, Donald C.
    19. Heist, Hal
    20. Hintenach, Albert
    21. Hobbs, Kim L.                               (son of a veteran)
    22. Izzo, Alphonse
    23. Kellogg, Richard Charles
    24. Komlenich, Pete
    25. Kuehn, Frank H.
    26. Leadingham, Arthur Melvin
    27. Lynn, Joseph, Jr.
    28. Maurer, John Joseph video
    29. McDonald, William video
    30. McLean, Robert video
    31. Mellinger, Robert P.
    32. Messick, George Franklin
    33. Midgley, Charles Holley
    34. Miller, Richard H.
    35. Moore, Luther D.
    36. Oliver, John W., Jr.
    37. Ramey, John Thomas
    38. Reinke, Milton
    39. Ross, Paul
    40. Rosser, Gordon
    41. Rowekamp, Lester
    42. Russek, Fred P.
    43. Sapienza, Anthony
    44. Sibert, James (oral history only)
    45. Singer, John
    46. Smith, William
    47. Steele, Vaughn
    48. Story, Albert H.
    49. Ulbrich, Richard William
    50. Vartanian, David Charles
    51. Wagner, Walter John
    52. Wiley, James Walter
    53. Wilkins, Wendell
    54. Yates, Charles "Charlie"
    55. Yerian, Carl B. and James R. Moody
    56. Yerian, Carl B.

Veterans History Project

Veterans History Project

Written histories can be found here:

      1. Deranleau, Leonard J. -> "Memories of an aerial gunner and former P.O.W. #2272"

Interviews of the following 376th HBG veterans can be found there

      1. Angleton, Stanley -- Second Lieutenant
      2. Barineau, James Louie -- Master Sergeant
      3. Baumann, Jr., Arthur Valentine -- Captain
      4. Boosalis, Michael G. -- First Lieutenant
      5. Bryan, Coy Windell -- Technical Sergeant
      6. Buehl, Frank D.
Buxton, Grover Hoffman -- First Lieutenant
      8. Cohen, Melvin -- Sergeant
      9. Curtis, Jack C. -- Captain
    10. Deranleau, Leonard J. -- Staff Sergeant
    11. Dzwigalski, Richard L. -- Staff Sergeant
    12. Eldridge, Jack Page -- Colonel
    13. Erlichman, Gilbert -- First Lieutenant
    14. Fay, Marcus Joseph -- First Lieutenant
    15. Fink, Morton -- Technical Sergeant
    16. Gutierrez, Jr., Ezekiel J. -- Staff Sergeant
    17. Hahn, Lloyd Edward -- General
    18. Hammer, Howard A. -- Sergeant
    19. Hathaway, William Dodd -- Captain
    20. Holman, Dean O.
    21. Hughes, Stuart A. -- First Lieutenant
    22. Janosko, Sr., Joseph William -- Technical Sergeant
    23. Judd, Jr., Kermit R. -- Staff Sergeant
    24. Kesler, Earl Marshall -- First Lieutenant
    25. Komlenich, Pete -- Colonel
    26. Kornegay, Jr., Henry Jack -- Lieutenant Colonel
    27. Kuehn, Frank H. -- Technical Sergeant
    28. Leadingham, Arthur M. -- Technical Sergeant
    29. Liebnau, Alton F. -- Captain
    30. Louzao, Joseph Anthony -- Chief Warrant Officer
    31. MacDonald, Jack E. -- Technical Sergeant
    32. Mahoney, Edward A. -- First Lieutenant
    33. Minor, Richard Kenneth -- Technical Sergeant
    34. Moore, Luther Daniel -- Lieutenant Colonel
    35. Morwood, George Abraham -- Staff Sergeant, First Lieutenant
    36. Murray, Frank Orville -- Technical Sergeant
    37. Nine, Wilbert George Scott -- Sergeant
    38. Olson, James Homer -- Staff Sergeant
    39. Pizzello, R. John -- Corporal
    40. Purdy, Robert Bernard -- First Lieutenant
    41. Rabbitt, Charles Edward -- First Lieutenant
    42. Roberts, William W. -- Technical Sergeant
    43. Schoenlein, Donald L. -- Major
    44. Self, Charles W. -- Staff Sergeant
    45. Shannon, William Park
    46. Smith, Rubert E. -- Corporal
    47. Sorenson, Victor H. -- Major
    48. Swanberg, Fritiof Emauel -- Technical Sergeant
    49. Swidarski, Stephen -- Staff Sergeant
    50. Trainer, Richard -- Staff Sergeant
    51. Vartanian, David C. -- Flight Officer, Major
    52. White, Robert Render -- Major
    53. Whitehead, James Kelly -- Lieutenant Colonel
    54. Williger, Irwin Fox -- Major
    55. Zuber, Richard S. -- Lieutenant Colonel

Florida State University

Reichelt Oral History Program

Interviews of the following 376th HBG veterans can be found there

      1. Bitzer, Joe

Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh

Interviews of the following 376th HBG veterans can be found there

      1. Mitich, Milan
      2. Yelich, Yukaden

Central Connecticut State University

Interviews of the following 376th HBG veterans can be found there

      1. Hintenach, Albert H. via You Tube

EAA Video Player

Interviews of the following 376th HBG veterans can be found there

      1. Johnson, Maurice

Maurice's interview is no longer posted.  Mar 20, 2022

Written Interviews

Click on any of the following names to read their interviews:

Parvin, Wilbur Crew Interviews

Donated Collections

Parks, Reid - NC State University
Liberandos Patch


The website 376bg.org is NOT our site nor is it our endowment fund.

At the 2017 reunion, the board approved the donation of our archives to the Briscoe Center for American History, located on the University of Texas - Austin campus.

Also, the board approved a $5,000 donation to add to Ed Clendenin's $20,000 donation in the memory of his father. Together, these funds begin an endowment for the preservation of the 376 archives.

Donate directly to the 376 Endowment

To read about other endowment donation options, click here.

My Trip to San Pancrazio

October 2019


NOTE change in the schedule !!

DATES: Sep 25-28, 2025

CITY:Rapid City, SD

HOTEL: Best Western Ramkota Conference Hotel; 2111 North LaCrosse St., Rapid City, SD 57702; 605-343-8500

Click here to read about the reunion details.

previous reunions

For Sale

Divine Burden


The Other Doolittle Raid

The Broken Wings of Zlatibor

The Liberandos

Three Crawford Brothers

Liberando: Reflections of a Reluctant Warrior

376th Bomb Group Mission History

The Last Liberator

Full Circle

Shadows of Wings

Ten Men, A "Flying Boxcar," and A War

I Survived Ploesti

A Measure of Life

Shot Down In Yugoslavia

Stories of My Life


Born in Battle

Bombardier's Diary

Lost Airmen

Langdon Liberando