Veterans of the 376th Heavy Bombardment Group

231 men began their overseas duty with the 376th HBG.  They became the original veterans of the 376th HBG. By the end of the war, nearly 6000 men had rotated through the Group.

The list of officers and enlisted men is by no means complete.  If you are or if you know of someone who is not on our list, send an email to our web master and we will do our best to add his name.

Also, if we have misspelled the name of a veteran, please let us know.


Click on "Officers" above to go to the list known officers in the 376th HBG.

Click on "Enlisted" below to go to the list of known enlisted men in the 376th HBG.


Click on "Unknown Rank" below to go to the list known men in the 376th HBG.

Unknown Rank

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Other Stories about our Veterans

Click below to see other stories from other visitors to this page...

Dean Wallace Allen 
Dean Allen was part of John Maurer Crew (512th). Attached is his photo of the crew.

Saverio "Chub" Cortese 
My grandfather was part of the 376th BG and I believe the 513th Sqadron. His pilot was James Grady. He served as a radio man on a B24 as part of the 15th …

Pasquale J Roderiguez  
My father, Pat(as he was called) and his wife Adeline(my mother) raised 4 children after the war in their hometown of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He worked …

Robert James "Bob" Blair 
My dad, Robert James Blair, is a veteran of the 513th Squadron and a member of the Elvin Severson crew (see photo, Dad's the good-looking guy in the back …

TSgt Alfred W. Young, Jr. - 514th Squadron Radio Operator/Gunner 
TSgt Young flew combat sorties 17 and 18 on March 21 and 24, 1945, respectively, targeting a jet airdrome in Neuberg, Germany. He noted on the 21st, "Flew …

Alexander F. Scheller 
My dad Alexander F. Scheller was the Tail turret gunner on Walter Call Crew. 513 Bomb Squad 376 Bomb Group and later to 745 Bomb Squad and 456 Bomb Group. …

Hugh E. McGowan Jr. 
My father was incredibly proud of his service to our country and of the incredible crew he flew with during WWII. I would love to hear more from surviving …

William R. Davis 
On October 12th 2013 Three Davis generations went flying the B=24 Witchcraft at Carroll County Airport Westminster, MD. This was part of the Wings of Freedom …

They had said the B24 plane could not fly with just one engine so our crew was selected to try an experiment mission. We went up to 19,000 feet and Byfield …

S/Sgt Jack Brown 9th cameraunit 
Was in the 9th camera unit that flew with 376 BG. I’m looking for him or his family as he was 1 of 4 survivors after being shot down 8/19/1943. My dad …

Col. Alva “Poppo” M. Hoover Jr. Not rated yet
When I was young I asked my grandfather why he was awarded the Purple Heart. In World War Two, Lt. Al Hoover Jr. was a pilot. His heroic actions saved …

Alva M. Hoover Not rated yet
When I was young I asked my grandfather why he was awarded the Purple Heart. In World War Two, Lt. Al M. Hoover Jr. was a pilot. His heroic actions …

TSgt Vincent Paul Poiesz Not rated yet
Ever wonder what our bomber crews wore during high-altitude flights on virtually un-heated B-24s? This picture of an unidentified crewman gives you an …

John W. Margonelli Not rated yet
I have my grandfather’s mission list from 1944. 50 flown between March and June 1944.

Sgt Peter ridolfi Not rated yet
Sgt. Ridolfi Of Buehls air crew 514th Bomb Squad. Sgt Ridolfi was awarded a Distinguished Service Cross and Purple heart. The DSC is not mentioned in …

Lester Franklin Duckett Not rated yet
Arm of Service AAF Hq & B Sv Sq 376 Air Sv Gp Date of induction: 4 Jan 1943 Date of Entry into active Service: 11 Jan 1943 Place of entry into service: …

John Bendoritis Not rated yet
You have the Pilot of the B24 Pizzonia listed as John Bendroitis the proper spelling is Bendoritis. He was my father. Thanks, Bill Bendoritis

"WARBIRD WORLD WIDE" Web Site Question - Where Is It?? Not rated yet
Does anyone know what happened to this web site? I found the page with my dad's crew photo on it and links to stories told by surviving members, including …

TSgt Alfred W. Young, Jr. - 514th Squadron Radio Operator/Gunner Not rated yet
TSgt Young's 25th and last combat sortie was to hit the Campodazzo Railroad Bridge near Bolzano, Italy on April 11, 1945. Sgt Young wrote, "Mission with …

TSgt Alfred W. Young, Jr. - 514th Squadron Radio Operator/Gunner Not rated yet
TSgt Young flew his 21st combat sortie on April 8, 1945, to hit the Vipiteno Railroad Bridge in Italy. He wrote, "An 8-hour mission to Vipiteno, Italy …

TSgt Alfred W. Young, Jr. - 514th Squadron Radio Operator/Gunner Not rated yet
TSgt Young continued to fly with the Ehrenberg crew for his 20th combat sortie to hit the Sulm River Railroad Bridge near Leibnitz, Austria, on April 2, …

TSgt Alfred W. Young, Jr. - 514th Squadron Radio Operator/Gunner Not rated yet
TSgt Young's 16th combat sortie hit the Landshut, Germany Marshalling Yards on March 19, 1945. He noted, "Carried 100 pounders, two to a rack. Saw the …

TSgt Alfred W. Young, Jr. - 514th Squadron Radio Operator/Gunner Not rated yet
TSgt Young's 15th combat sortie, again with the Ehrenberg crew, targeted the Schwechat Oil Refinery near Vienna, Austria on March 15, 1945. "Went on a …

TSgt Alfred W. Young, Jr. - 514th Squadron Radio Operator/Gunner Not rated yet
TSgt Young's 11th combat sortie took him and the rest of the Ehernberg crew to the Zagreb, Yugoslavia Marshalling Yards. He noted, "Flew a 6 hour and …

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TSgt Alfred W. Young, Jr. - 514th Squadron Radio Operator/Gunner Not rated yet
TSgt Young's 10th combat sortie targeted the Salzburg, Austria Marshalling Yards on February 27, 1945. After serving as a fill-in on a few missions after …

TSgt Alfred W. Young, Jr. - 514th Squadron Radio Operator/Gunner Not rated yet
TSgt Young's fourth combat sortie was to the Moosbierbaum Oil Refinery near Vienna, Austria, on February 7, 1945. The Germans tried their best to obscure …

TSgt Alfred W. Young, Jr. - 514th Squadron Radio Operator/Gunner Not rated yet
Sergeant Young flew his first combat sortie as a substitute Radar Counter Measures (RCM) Operator with the Lt Schmidt crew on January 19, 1945, to hit …

Stanley Cap Not rated yet
My father was waist gunner on the 376 Bomb GP-HALPRO 513th Squadron Louis Lockhart Pilot George McClain Co-pilot Edward McCarthy Navigator …

Col. Edwin P. Schmid Not rated yet
Ed Schmid took a driving trip from San Pan to Rome, Aug or Sep 1944. Exact date is unknown. The family has about 50 photos, taken by Ed, of sites en route …

Albert C. Stutz (formerly Casimir A. Studzinski) Not rated yet
As the son of Al Stutz, I am really happy to have located a photograph of the Robert H. Thomas Crew, 512th Squadron, 376th Heavy Bombardment Group. The …

William R. Davis Not rated yet
END PART 1F (6) Things happened fast. I saw the enlisted men come out of the waist windows, that is all except …

William R. Davis Not rated yet
Part 1E We were not going to make it – the engines were tired. My heart jumped into my mouth again as I noticed the oil pressure gauge on No. 2 engine. …

William R. Davis Not rated yet
PART 1D Part 1D We started making the plane lighter as we moved out of the fighter territory. We had now come all the way down the Hungarian Plains, …

William R. Davis Not rated yet
PART 1C Part 1C By now we were pulling out of the flak. I looked around; it was losing us; but one lone eagle got in his last shot, and the rudders …

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Liberandos Patch


The website is NOT our site nor is it our endowment fund.

At the 2017 reunion, the board approved the donation of our archives to the Briscoe Center for American History, located on the University of Texas - Austin campus.

Also, the board approved a $5,000 donation to add to Ed Clendenin's $20,000 donation in the memory of his father. Together, these funds begin an endowment for the preservation of the 376 archives.

Donate directly to the 376 Endowment

To read about other endowment donation options, click here.

My Trip to San Pancrazio

October 2019


NOTE change in the schedule !!

DATES: Sep 25-28, 2025

CITY:Rapid City, SD

HOTEL: Best Western Ramkota Conference Hotel; 2111 North LaCrosse St., Rapid City, SD 57702; 605-343-8500

Click here to read about the reunion details.

previous reunions

For Sale

Divine Burden


The Other Doolittle Raid

The Broken Wings of Zlatibor

The Liberandos

Three Crawford Brothers

Liberando: Reflections of a Reluctant Warrior

376th Bomb Group Mission History

The Last Liberator

Full Circle

Shadows of Wings

Ten Men, A "Flying Boxcar," and A War

I Survived Ploesti

A Measure of Life

Shot Down In Yugoslavia

Stories of My Life


Born in Battle

Bombardier's Diary

Lost Airmen

Langdon Liberando