Air Crews

Pictures of the air crews are shown on this page.  Click on the name to see the crew members.

HALPRO crews

Original ferry crews

Adams, Homer passengers and crew

Brown, Charles passengers and crew
Brown, Nathan passengers and crew
Brown, Therman passengers and crew
Butler, Kenneth passengers and crew
Cave, Edward passengers and crew
Clark, Walter passengers and crew
Davis, Paul passengers and crew
Kalberer, Alfred passengers and crew
Moore, Andrew passengers and crew
Mooty, Mark passengers and crew
Nesbitt, Frederick passengers and crew
Nestor, Francis passengers and crew
Oglesby, Sam passengers and crew
Paullin, Robert passengers and crew
Payne, John H. passengers and crew
Sanders, Richard passengers and crew
Sibert, James passengers and crew
Solomon, James passengers and crew
Uhrich, George passengers and crew
Walker, Howard passengers and crew
Walsh, Martin passengers and crew
Wilkinson, John passengers and crew

HALPRO navigators

Brereton Detachment crews

7th Bomb Group crews transferred from India to the Middle East in June/July 1942 time frame.  Some of the crews remained with the B-17s when they were withdrawn for badly need repairs.  The rest transitioned to the B-24 and remained with the 376th HBG.

These are the crews that remained with the B-17 and left the group in late 1942:

Broadwell, Walter crew
DeLong, Frank crew

Goodrich, Earle crew
Gerzin, Walter crew
Gossard, Leonard crew
Holst, John crew
Kaiser, Donald crew
Keenan, James crew
Kramp, Joseph crew
Leidecker, Frank crew
McComb, William crew
Murphree, Clyde crew
Nelson, William crew
Price, Charles crew
Scherff, Raymond crew
Thomas, Rowan crew

These are the crews that transitioned to the B-24:

Blankenhorn, Charles crew
Carmack, John crew
Fennell, Max crew
Fountain, Willard crew
Lavin, John crew
Long, Paul crew
Rogers, Delmar crew
Toomey, John crew
Wade, Horace crew

Replacement and reorganization crews

Anderson, James crew
Appold, Norman crew
Brereton, James crew
Crouchley, Edward crew
Edmonds, Harold crew
Hahn, Delbert crew

Kidd, John crew
Medford, John crew
Munsell, Alexander crew
Soukup, Reynold crew
Sturkie, Howard crew
Whitlock, George crew
Wilhite, Irwin crew

Men without crews

Andrus, Robert crew

Bartol, Wante crew

Bendoritis, John crew

Beville, Eugene crew

Bishop, James crew

Blumendahl, Ralph crew

Boulineau, Donald crew

Brainard, Harold crew

Brown, Gerald crew

Brown, Jerry crew

Brown, Paul crew

Burton, Dave crew

Carlson, Richard crew

Carpenter, John crew

Castello, Bruno crew

Chase, Benjamin crew

Clendenin, Edward crew

Clune, Arthur crew

Counsilman, James crew

Davidson, Arch crew

Drake, Harold crew

Dugi, August crew

Fallon, Paul crew

Feak, Richard crew

Flavelle, Brian crew

Ford, Henry V. crew

Fortenberry, James crew

French, Johnson crew

Garrett, Gordon crew

Good, Robert crew

Grady, James crew

Graff, Thomas crew

Grooms, Wayne crew

Haigh, Thomas crew

Hamblen, Charles crew

Harris, Woodrow crew

Heintz, Edison crew

Hines, Wilfred crew

Holgate, William crew

Holsclaw, Francis crew

Hoover, Robert crew

Humphrey, Lee crew

Hunter, Robert crew

Iovine, Guy crew

Iverson, Kenneth crew

Jackson, Ralph crew

Jensen, John crew

Keator, Clyde crew

Kemp, Thomas crew

Kerl, John crew

Kirby, Jack crew

LaRoe, George crew

Lentz, Richard crew

Levengood, John crew

Lord, John crew

Manko, Edward crew

Matson, Robert crew

Maurer, John crew

McAtee, James crew

McConnaughey, James crew

McKenzie, Nolan crew

Meredith, Ross crew

Miller, James crew

Miller, Richard T. crew

Miller, Robert J. crew

Mullen, James crew

Olsen, George crew

Palm, John crew

Perdue, John crew

Rice, Daniel crew

Rinker, Carl crew

Ritter, Richard crew

Ross, Paul crew

Sandberg, Fritz crew

Sawberger, Edward crew

Scheuermann, Otto crew

Schick, Harold crew

Scott, Phillip crew

Sierk, Lyle crew

Simmons, Joe crew

Sossaman, Melvin crew

Steele, Vaughn crew

Stickle, Marshall crew

Summers, Jack crew

Susmuth, Homer crew

Thomas, Robert crew

Thomson, Virgil crew

Thorpe, George crew

Turner, James crew

Turner, Marden crew

Wenzinger, Harlan crew

Whitaker, Daniel crew

White, James H. crew

Wildman, William crew

Wood, E. Garrison crew

Zuber, Richard crew

Men without crews

Royal Yugoslav Air Force crews

Amann, Alfred crew

Ashburn, Jr., Isaac W. crew

Austin, William crew

Badger, Thomas crew

Bailey, Van Norman crew

Barnes, Robert crew

Bartels, Harry crew

Beck, Richard crew

Bitzer, Joseph crew

Blair, Earl crew

Breen, John crew

Breitmayer, William crew

Brown, Gerald crew

Brown, Lester crew

Butler, Fenton crew

Call, Walter crew

Carmel, James crew

Cassedy, Thomas crew

Connolly, Hugh crew

Cloer, George crew

Demmond, Edward crew

DeVeuve, James crew

Dodds, John crew

Doty, John crew

Dunfee, Joseph crew

Eden, Marrion crew

Erickson, Richard crew

Floerke, Harold crew

Fogel, Ernest crew

Folck, Alfred crew

Fowler, Deane crew

Friberg, Wayne crew

Fuller, Willis crew

George, Paul crew

Gluck, Edwin crew

Gordon, Byfield crew

Groom, Vernon crew

Harris, David crew

Hayden, Thomas crew

Hill, James crew

Hinson, Charles crew

Hobbs, Charles crew

Hoover, Alva crew

Horn, John crew

Hurd, Richard crew

Indorf, Walter crew

James, Robert crew

Johnson, Edgar crew

Johnson, Robert L. crew

Konsynski, Ben crew

Kornrumph, Harry crew

Kraft, Robert crew

Krines, Albert crew

Langewisch, Paul crew

Lear, Dean crew

Lockhart, Louis crew

Logan, John crew

Lowry, Charles crew

Ludlow, George crew

Mackie, Thomas crew

Mayfield, Gilmer crew

McChesney, Jess crew

Miller, Lane crew

Moore, Carl crew

Morel, Raymond crew

Morris, Charles crew

Oltz, Roger crew

Parks, Reid crew

Paterick, William crew

Riggs, Francis crew

Rimerman, Franklin crew

Roeca, Samuel crew

Rutherford, Frank crew

Sawyer, Donald crew

Schuchman, Edward crew

Seginack, Edward crew

Severson, Elvin crew

Shannon, William crew

Shoenthal, Richard crew

Smith, Roger crew

Snouffer, Harry crew

Stearns, William crew

Stephenson, James crew

Sunshine, Alvin crew

Taylor, Rodney crew

Terrell, John crew

Thurman, Eugene crew

Turner, Kenneth crew

Unks, Ross crew

Vogler, Charles crew

Walsh, Donald crew

Watson, Earl crew

West, Wilbur crew

Whitlock, Hubert crew

Wright, Edward crew

Yatkones, Edward crew

Zimmerman, William crew

Men without crews

Armstrong, Clyde crew

Arth, Peter crew

Ballinger, Joseph crew

Barker, Neal crew

Beir, Howard crew

Benshoff, James crew

Bentley, James crew

Beyer, Frederick crew

Bock, James crew

Boyce, Julian crew

Brazelton, Henry crew

Brock, John crew

Brunn, Walter crew

Buehl, Frank crew

Burlage, Jack crew

Carlson, Lester crew

Cloud, Wilbur crew

Conn. Myron crew

Cornay, Rubert crew

Davis, Joe crew

Dockery, Harvey crew

Draper, Kenneth crew

Duffy, Edward crew

Durbin, Richard crew

Ehrenberg, Marvin crew

Estell, Glenn crew

Feeley, Ed crew

Fisher, Raymond crew

Ford, John C. crew

Foster, Charles crew

Gage, Sidney crew

Gerry, Clark crew

Goldis, Alfred crew

Griffin, John crew

Hann, Roland crew

Hatem, Roy crew

Hatton, William crew

Hay, Orace crew

Hedrick, Frank crew

Hicks, Lonnis crew

Huey, Charles crew

Hunsaker, Franklin crew

Johnson, Arthur crew

Kemp, Granville crew

Killgore, Kenneth crew

Kistler, Dave crew

Kremer, George crew

Kremer, William crew

Levin, Edgar crew

Lumsden, George crew

Martin, Albert crew

Mathews, Louis crew

Mayer, Jack crew

McCain, William crew

McClain, Melvin crew

McGlynn, Edward crew

Metzger, William crew

Mimetz, Walter crew

Moreau, James crew

Narcovich, Adolph crew

Nelson, Kenneth crew

Nulty, Leonard crew

O'Sullivan, Donald crew

Paul, James A. crew

Pearson, Roger crew

Pelzman, Robert crew

Pettit, Robert crew

Pitts, James crew

Poe, Joseph crew

Provost, William crew

Puddlewitts, Robert crew

Reding, Michael crew

Reiland, Richard crew

Rendahl, Glenn crew

Reno, Edward crew

Robinson, Donald crew

Rose, Samuel crew

Ryan, Lyle crew

Sandberg, Wayne crew

Schmidt, Albert crew

Schusler, Gerald crew

Sheley, John crew

Shepard, John crew

Simmons, Hal crew

Smith, William P. crew

Stangl, Fred crew

Stauffer, Dwight crew

Storz, Robert crew

Stump, William crew

Upshur, Otho crew

Ward, George crew

Wendell, Clifford crew

Whipple, Harlen crew

Williams, Don crew

Wood, Thomas crew

Wood, Wilbur crew

Worley, Luther crew

Wyszynski, Henry crew

Men without crews

Albright, Desmond crew

Andrews, Charles crew

Barnes, William crew

Belyea, Edward crew

Bishop, James crew

Bley, Charles crew

Bowers, R. J. crew

Brock, Royal crew

Brown, Chandler crew

Brown Herbert T. crew

Brown, Robert crew

Christianson, Frank crew

Clark, Martin crew

Clark, Jr., William crew

Click, Dale crew

Dale, Hugh crew

DeFilippo, Eugene crew

DuFour, Jerome crew

Duncan, Gerald crew

Edwards, Allen crew

Estep, Everett crew

Evatt, Harold crew

Field, Wayne crew

Frechette, Oscar crew

French, Charles crew

Fromson, Merle crew

Goehry, Jacob crew

Grice, Marvin crew

Goodwin, Robert crew

Gore, Philip crew

Hakkinen, Waino crew

Hess, Harold crew

Hintenach, Albert crew

Holt, Guy crew

Hornstein, William crew

Hurd, Donaldson crew

Jackson, George crew

Johnson, Maurice crew

Kamps, Aloyx crew

Klee, John crew

Koch, Alvin crew

Koelling, Robert crew

Kohlstedt, Delward crew

Kortan, Laverne crew

Kruger, Leon crew

Langer, Donald crew

Lee, Stanley crew

Mader, Walter crew

Mansell, Morris crew

Marcus, Frank crew

McCameron, Maurice crew

McKinney, Ralph crew

Mitchell, Robert crew

Morgan, Dwight crew

Mullins, Willard crew

Murphy, James crew

O'Conner, Robert crew

Oldenbrook, John crew

Orr, Daniel crew

Osborn, Charles crew

Parvin, Wilbur crew

Rader, Earle crew

Reed, Dana crew

Riggs, Donald crew

Rogers, Earle crew

Roselius, Charles crew

Salscheider, James crew

Sanders, Robert crew

Serafin, Menceslaus crew

Smith, Edgar crew

Sonaglia, John crew

Sparta, James crew

Stachon, Alex crew

Staveley, Arthur crew

Tanvas, Vincent crew

Taylor, William crew

Tennant, Jack crew

Thompson, Alpert crew

Thompson, Ralph crew

Thrasher, Louis crew

Umphries, James crew

Volk, Kenneth crew

Wentworth, Thomas crew

Westby, Morton crew

Whaley, Edward crew

White, James W. crew

Wiltbank, Robert crew

Wimberly, Charles crew

Witkin, William crew

Wornick, David crew

Wright, Frank crew

Wright, Hinton crew

Wright, Robert crew

Men without crews

Squadron Assignment Not Known

Allen, James crew - 449th HBG

Graf, Theodore crew

Unknown crews

Unknown crew 1 - 512th Squadron

Unknown crew 2

War bond crews

Liberandos Patch


The website is NOT our site nor is it our endowment fund.

At the 2017 reunion, the board approved the donation of our archives to the Briscoe Center for American History, located on the University of Texas - Austin campus.

Also, the board approved a $5,000 donation to add to Ed Clendenin's $20,000 donation in the memory of his father. Together, these funds begin an endowment for the preservation of the 376 archives.

Donate directly to the 376 Endowment

To read about other endowment donation options, click here.

My Trip to San Pancrazio

October 2019


NOTE change in the schedule !!

DATES: Sep 25-28, 2025

CITY:Rapid City, SD

HOTEL: Best Western Ramkota Conference Hotel; 2111 North LaCrosse St., Rapid City, SD 57702; 605-343-8500

Click here to read about the reunion details.

previous reunions

For Sale

Divine Burden


The Other Doolittle Raid

The Broken Wings of Zlatibor

The Liberandos

Three Crawford Brothers

Liberando: Reflections of a Reluctant Warrior

376th Bomb Group Mission History

The Last Liberator

Full Circle

Shadows of Wings

Ten Men, A "Flying Boxcar," and A War

I Survived Ploesti

A Measure of Life

Shot Down In Yugoslavia

Stories of My Life


Born in Battle

Bombardier's Diary

Lost Airmen

Langdon Liberando