The 376th Heavy Bombardment Group Archives

The Briscoe Center for American History at The University of Texas at Austin is pleased that the archives held by the 376th Heavy Bombardment Group have been donated to the Briscoe Center and are now part of the center’s rich military history archives.
The center's collections embrace more than three hundred years of military affairs, including many aspects of America's involvement in foreign wars, from Mexico to Iraq with emphasis on World War II. These resources are available in a variety of formats, including institutional records, historical manuscripts, maps, newspapers, broadsides, photographs, and oral histories. Letters and diaries from soldiers in the field, combat photographs from America's leading photojournalists, reminiscences of war veterans, muster rolls of fighting units, posters, and broadsides with patriotic calls to action all form part of the center's rich store of resources for the study of military history. To learn more about the military history collections at the Briscoe Center visit:  . (Sorry, UT took down the link)


To assist the center in making its military history collections available to students, scholars, and the general public for research, the 376th Heavy Bombardment Group has committed to raising $100,000 to fund an endowed graduate internship in archival enterprises. The intern’s work will focus on processing military history collections with priority on the archives of the 376th Heavy Bombardment Group.

The endowment campaign was launched with a generous gift from Ed Clendenin and the board of directors totaling $25,000. A balance of $75,000 remains to be raised.

The 376th Heavy Bombardment Group Endowed Internship in Archival Enterprises

Funds distributed from the endowment shall be used as determined by the director of the Briscoe Center to provide stipends for graduate students in archival enterprises focused on using best practices to process, maintain, and make available the center’s military history collections with preference to material donated by the 376th Heavy Bombardment Group and its members. Should the corpus of the endowment grow over time to a sufficient size to support additional activities related to military history collections, those activities may include, but are not limited to (1) the acquisition of papers of individuals, records of organizations, photographs, audio, visual, and born digital material related to military history, (2) to provide for additional staff, activities, and programs associated with the preservation, development, curation, and use of the military history collections, and (3) for other purposes that advance the military history collection’s goals: “to collect, organize, and disseminate information concerning all aspects of military history; to promote wide public knowledge of military history; and to cooperate actively with individuals and institutions having similar concerns.”


When you contribute to the Briscoe Center, there are a variety of payment methods available to you. You can support the 376th Heavy Bombardment Group Endowed Graduate Internship with an outright gift, with a gift of stock, as a pledge of up to five years, through a bequest, or other planned giving method.


If you have archival material from the 376th Heavy Bombardment Group that you would like to contribute, please contact Stephanie Malmros, Director for Research and Collections, at .

Cash, Checks, Credit Cards

Outright donations made by cash, check, or credit cards are the easiest to make. They are also tax deductible in the year they are given.

There is a form included in this newsletter, which will facilitate your contribution.

To make a gift by credit card visit:

or call the Briscoe Center’s Development Office at 512-495-4369 to make the gift over the phone.

Mail gifts made by check (payable to The University of Texas at Austin with the Briscoe Center-376th Internship in the memo line) with the enclosed pledge form or with a letter stating your intended purpose to:

Development Office
Briscoe Center for American History
The University of Texas at Austin
2300 Red River St. Stop D1100
Austin, Texas 78712


The Briscoe Center also gratefully accepts pledges—gifts that are paid out over time. You can make a pledge commitment and set up a payment schedule that works best for you: annually, quarterly, or monthly over a period of up to five years from the initial pledge. Pledge payments can be funded with cash, checks, credit cards, securities, or other assets.

Corporate Matching

You may be able to double or even triple your gift to the Briscoe Center. Many employers sponsor matching gift programs to match charitable contributions made by their employees. To find out if your company matches your gifts, visit

or visit your company’s human resources department. Complete the form provided by your company and mail it to:

Briscoe Center for American History
The University of Texas at Austin
Matching Gift Coordinator
P.O. Box 7458
Austin, Texas 78713


Gifts of appreciated securities and closely held stock can be extremely beneficial—both to you and to the Briscoe Center. You may receive an income tax deduction equal to the fair market value of the securities and reduce or eliminate capital gains taxes. The University of Texas System Office of Development and Gift Planning Services coordinates gifts of stock and mutual funds. Proceeds from the sale of these assets are directed to any program you wish. Please contact Charlotte Hambrick at or 512-499-4300

or Lisa Avra, Briscoe Center, at or 512-495-4696    for more information.

IRA Charitable Distribution

Congress has permanently extended the opportunity for Americans to make direct transfers from their Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs) to public charities. While individuals may begin taking distributions from their IRAs as early as age 59½, they are required to begin taking them at age 70½. The mandatory distribution often creates a tax burden, even if the individual donates the money to charity.

With the IRA Charitable Rollover provision, established under the Pension Protection Act, donors of at least age 70½ can donate up to $100,000 to charitable organizations directly from their IRA, without treating the distribution as taxable income. By funding a gift to benefit the Briscoe Center with an IRA charitable distribution, you can save on your taxes and enjoy watching your gift at work in your lifetime. Your IRA charitable distribution can fund your annual gift or pledge payments on a major gift or endowment.

To learn more about how to make the greatest impact with your gift and for sample IRA beneficiary designation language, contact Lisa Avra at

Gift and Estate Planning

A planned gift can be used to fund your gift goals at the Briscoe Center. Such gifts can be made now or deferred to a later time. Some enable you to support the Briscoe Center, receive tax benefits, and sustain your current lifestyle. Such gifts include bequests through a will, retirement plan assets, and charitable trusts. For more information contact UT’s Gift Planning team at 866-488-3927 or visit  .  

Liberandos Patch


The website is NOT our site nor is it our endowment fund.

At the 2017 reunion, the board approved the donation of our archives to the Briscoe Center for American History, located on the University of Texas - Austin campus.

Also, the board approved a $5,000 donation to add to Ed Clendenin's $20,000 donation in the memory of his father. Together, these funds begin an endowment for the preservation of the 376 archives.

Donate directly to the 376 Endowment

To read about other endowment donation options, click here.

My Trip to San Pancrazio

October 2019


NOTE change in the schedule !!

DATES: Sep 25-28, 2025

CITY:Rapid City, SD

HOTEL: Best Western Ramkota Conference Hotel; 2111 North LaCrosse St., Rapid City, SD 57702; 605-343-8500

Click here to read about the reunion details.

previous reunions

For Sale

Divine Burden


The Other Doolittle Raid

The Broken Wings of Zlatibor

The Liberandos

Three Crawford Brothers

Liberando: Reflections of a Reluctant Warrior

376th Bomb Group Mission History

The Last Liberator

Full Circle

Shadows of Wings

Ten Men, A "Flying Boxcar," and A War

I Survived Ploesti

A Measure of Life

Shot Down In Yugoslavia

Stories of My Life


Born in Battle

Bombardier's Diary

Lost Airmen

Langdon Liberando