515th Ground Crews

Men assigned to 515th Squadron:

Amy, Otis W.                             800184    Radar, 515th Squadron
Antl, Lloyd V.                            873015    515th Squadron
B--lt, Carlos M.                         687975    Radar, 515th Squadron
Bieber, Edwin D.                         855960   515th Squadron
Bolyard, Kenneth W.              T-122599    Dept 1034, 515th Squadron
Chittick, William C.                    683223    515th Squadron
Devereux, James J.                    743571    Radar, 515th Squadron
Dougherty, John R.                    757473    Radar, 515th Squadron
Edge, Claude A.                         673121    515th Squadron
Gates, Leslie G.                         365193    515th Squadron
Jaslow, Albert C.                        861193    Radar, 515th Squadron
Lawler, Harry N.                         56360x    515th Squadron
Lyons, Richard E.                      863016       515th Squadron
Matz,Harry (NMI)                       694576    Radar, 515th Squadron
McCarthy, Joseph J.                   809674    515th Squadron
Mipgol, Edward P.                     752927    515th Squadron
Parker, Ernest E.                        259122    515th Squadron
Rennhaddy, James C.                 747945    515th Squadron
Rose, Lelind J.                           478756    Radar, 515th Squadron
Standley, Stanley, A.                  804754    515th Squadron
Stauffer, Evan                            562117    515th Squadron
Voloshin, Stewart H.                  806373    515th Squadron

Akers, Willard T.                    15056892    Dept 345, 515th Sqd.
Allen, Abe S.                          18188786    Dept 677, 515th Sqd.
Allen, James E.                       19066994      Dept 826, 515th Squadron
Allen, Maynard J.                    32449275      Dept 238, 515th Squadron
Alley, Joseph D.                      38235620      515th Sqd.
Archer, Charles R.                    6708981    Dept 505, 515th Sqd.
Aybar, Tomas (NMI)                12152691      515th Squadron
Barber, Philip (NMI)                35668855      515th Sqd.
Beauchemin, Bernard T.         31287573    Dept 256, 515th Sqd.
Bedell, Solomon (NMI)            32343463    Dept. 867, 515th Squadron
Bergstrom, Lester E.               37267235      515th Squadron
Berthelsen, Byron W.               32325921    Dept. 867, 515th Squadron
Blakely, Ralph H.                               ?             515th Squadron
Boyles, Jr., Bennie V.               34474975      Dept 501, 515th Squadron
Branch, Robert (NMI)               38047570      Dept 409, 515th Squadron
Carlisle, Horace E.                   34537413    Dept 867, 515th Sqd.
Chastain, James E.                          ?              515th Squadron
Collier, Paul C.                                ?              515th Squadron
Comley, Clarence G.               32428316      Dept 888, 515th Squadron
Conover, William L.                 17127299      515th Sqd.
Cook, Heustis                                 ?              515th Squadron
Dailey, Wilbur J.                      15315829      515th Squadron
Dall, Kenneth E.                      35275908      Dept 755, 515th Squadron
Danham, Jr., Trevor C.             33331077    Dept. 867, 515th Squadron
Davis, Floyd C.                        34056072    Dept. 867, 515th Squadron
Dean, Gordon B.                     12029350    Dept 683, 515th Sqd.
Desiderio, Alfonso A.              13047076    Dept 505, 515th Sqd.
Dickey, Jarrell C.                     14140867      Dept 060, 515th Squadron
Dooley, Rank H.                      34440301    Dept 522, 515th Sqd.
Drogo, Tony (NMI)                  12214466      Dept 860, 515th Squadron
Dunham, Trever C.                 33331077   515th Squadron
Durante, John J.                      32552320      515th Sqd.
Durante, Louis J.                     12164388   515th Squadron
Felty, Jr., Fred (NMI)                14061621      Dept 932, 515th Squadron
Flamingo, Rocco J.                  11088030      515th Sqd.
Fletcher, Charles E.                 35548035      Dept 888, 515th Squadron
Fletcher, Francis C.                 12656112      Dept 755, 515th Squadron
Frietag, Delavan D.                 39315032    Dept. 867, 515th Squadron
Gallucci, Peter                         32230725    Dept 590, 515th Sqd.
Gatz, Gerald L.                        35051039   515th Squadron
Gere, Russell J.                        35741414      515th Squadron
Goodwin, Terrell V.                 14184739    Dept 050, 515th Sqd.
Grant, Philip E.                        31288811    Dept 756, 515th Sqd.
Grove, Mack T.                        35207843    Dept 903, 515th Sqd.
Haggard, Oscar E.                   37320568      Dept. 239, 515th Squadron
Harrigan, Leo J                        36500695    515 Sqd.
Heitman, James F.                   12063537    Dept 747, 515th Sqd.
Henderson, Trell B.                 37446552    Dept 566, 515th Sqd.
Hickman, Clee E.                     38567067    Dept 521, 515th Sqd.
Hobbs, Oscar (NMI)                 38358266    Dept 409, 515th Sqd.
Hogan, Lewis C.                      18034507    Dept. 867, 515th Squadron
Homesley, James S.                   6926506    Dept 060, 515th Sqd.
Houghton, Cecil O.                  32477802      515th Sqd.
Hunter, Billie D.                       36821923    Dept 756, 515th Sqd.
Irvine, Charles R.                     19175506      Dept 612, 515th Squadron
Jones, William J.                       34730053     515th Sqd.
Kaplan, Morris (NMI)                33359976    Dept. 867, 515th Squadron
Kather, James D.                     13131607   515th Squadron
Kives, Frank                            14064928    Dept 458, 515th Sqd.
LeClair, Joseph L.R.                 11016947    Dept 945, 515th Sqd.
Lindsay, Harold W.                  32738063    Dept 861, 515th Sqd.
Little, James R.                        18215609    Dept 677, 515th Sqd.
MacDonald, Robert S.              11046176      515th Sqd.
Matheny, James E.                   34622984    Dept 050, 515th Sqd.
Matthews, John J.                     32826313    Dept 345, 515th Sqd.
McKenna, Jr., John J.                32358776    Dept. 867, 515th Squadron
Miller, Paul T.                          35567879      515th Sqd.
Mitchell, James T.                    34106403    Dept 901, 515th Sqd.
Mohr, John R.                          33407443    Dept 932, 515th Sqd.
Mullins, Jack H.                        34529961    Dept 566, 515th Sqd.
Murphy, Thomas J.                  33372140      515th Sqd.
Nawror, Paul B.                        33238147    Dept. 867, 515th Squadron
Nichols, Louis R.                      39602382    Dept 901, 515th Sqd.
Noble, Norman R.                    31180151    Dept. 867, 515th Squadron
Oliver, John M.                         18126437    Dept. 867, 515th Squadron
Patkochis, Anthony (NMI)         32300545    Dept 901, 515th Sqd.
Peavey, Luke A.                       17026757    Dept. 867, 515th Squadron
Perbetsky, William                   33622920    Dept 745, 515th Sqd.
Pizzo, Joseph (NMI)                 16149969    Dept 932, 515th Sqd.
Pollack, Charles H.                  32228988     515th Squadron
Pregent, Robert C.                   19148962    Dept 521, 515th Sqd.
Prevost, James P.                     39468785    Dept 521, 515th Sqd.
Ralston, Max B.                       35494405     515th Sqd.
Ray, Frank L.                           38398484    Dept 434, 515th Sqd.
Richter, William                       35070450    Dept 521, 515th Sqd.
Roeder, Fred M.                       19_97269    515th Squadron
Ross, L.V. (IO) W.                     35495403     Dept 612, 515th Squadron
Sampson, Edward D.               33832374     Dept 521, 515th Sqd.
Scheller, Carl F.                        36296370    Dept 683, 515th Sqd.
Senker, Michael (NMI)              35429683    Dept 747, 515th Sqd.
Sharpe, Allison R.                    14140870    Dept 621, 515th Sqd.
Shelnutt, Okla R.                       6930110    Dept 521, 515th Sqd.
Slimak, Mike F.                        36676437    Dept 521, 515th Sqd.
Sparez, John V.                        36762050    Dept 521, 515th Sqd.
Spencer, Ralph G.                    34872078    Dept 521, 515th Sqd.
Stovall, Delbert J.                     37606372    Dept 521, 515th Sqd.
Stovall, Delmar D.                    37606166    Dept 521, 515th Sqd.
Stovar, Oren L.                        34362103     Dept 748, 515th Squadron
Swartley, John B.                      33013098    515th Sqd.
Szadkowski, Edwin A.              337090483    Dept 050, 515th Sqd.
Tackett, Hubert (NMI)              13034534     515th Squadron
Taylor, Ralph L.                       37463665     515th Sqd.
Templeton, Grover G.              18166546    Dept 521, 515th Sqd.
Theobald, Jr., John                   18149060    Dept 590, 515th Sqd.
Turek, Stephen A.                    32391483    Dept 590, 515th Sqd.
Turner, Carl H.                        33124477     Dept 748, 515th Squadron
Valaitis, Vincent J.                   13097093    Dept 555, 515th Sqd.
Waibel, Richard W.                   35934081    Dept 521, 515th Sqd.
Welliver, William H.                 13100788     Dept. 867, 515th Squadron
Wessel, Dean N.                      39545778    Dept 590, 515th Sqd.
Wilson, Carl (NMI)                    34356632    Dept 521, 515th Sqd.
Wirka, Robert C.                      36256904     Dept. 867, 515th Squadron
Yonkman, Henry W.                 12034421    Dept 590, 515th Sqd.

Rank unknown
Backhouse, Lloyd J.                           ?             515th Squadron
Bloom, Arne                                      ?             515th Squadron
Ellyson, William H.                           ?               515 Sqd.

Armament Section

Osborne, Ted  Capt                    ?           Armament Section, 515th Sqd.

Backhaus, Lloyd J.                      ?          Armament Section, 515th Sqd.
Blackwell, Frank                          ?           Armament Section, 515th Sqd.
Bollinger, Arthur R.                     ?          Armament Section, 515th Sqd.
Booth, Allen                                ?          Armament Section, 515th Sqd.
Bouba, ?                                      ?           Armament Section, 515th Sqd.
Bramble, William K.                     ?          Armament Section, 515th Sqd.
Brimer, Woodrow                        ?           Armament Section, 515th Sqd.
Buss, Martin L.                            ?           Armament Section, 515th Sqd.
Crowley, Dan                              ?           Armament Section, 515th Sqd.
Dailey, Wilbur                              ?           Armament Section, 515th Sqd.
Drew, Joe                                    ?           Armament Section, 515th Sqd.
Frame, Wesley                             ?           Armament Section, 515th Sqd.
Johnson, Robert                           ?           Armament Section, 515th Sqd.
Klingbiel, Fred                             ?           Armament Section, 515th Sqd.
Knight, Ralph                              ?           Armament Section, 515th Sqd.
Kwasniewsky, Ben                       ?           Armament Section, 515th Sqd.
Levine, Melvin                             ?           Armament Section, 515th Sqd.
Lewis, Glenn                                ?           Armament Section, 515th Sqd.
Manning, James                           ?           Armament Section, 515th Sqd.
Robinson, Clarence                      ?           Armament Section, 515th Sqd.
Roeder, Fred M.                     19_97269    Armament Section, 515th Sqd.
Rupert, Jr., Charles                      ?             Armament Section, 515th Sqd.


The website 376bg.org is NOT our site nor is it our endowment fund.

At the 2017 reunion, the board approved the donation of our archives to the Briscoe Center for American History, located on the University of Texas - Austin campus.

Also, the board approved a $5,000 donation to add to Ed Clendenin's $20,000 donation in the memory of his father. Together, these funds begin an endowment for the preservation of the 376 archives.

Donate directly to the 376 Endowment

To read about other endowment donation options, click here.

My Trip to San Pancrazio

October 2019


NOTE change in the schedule !!

DATES: Sep 25-28, 2025

CITY:Rapid City, SD

HOTEL: Best Western Ramkota Conference Hotel; 2111 North LaCrosse St., Rapid City, SD 57702; 605-343-8500

Click here to read about the reunion details.

previous reunions

For Sale

Divine Burden


The Other Doolittle Raid

The Broken Wings of Zlatibor

The Liberandos

Three Crawford Brothers

Liberando: Reflections of a Reluctant Warrior

376th Bomb Group Mission History

The Last Liberator

Full Circle

Shadows of Wings

Ten Men, A "Flying Boxcar," and A War

I Survived Ploesti

A Measure of Life

Shot Down In Yugoslavia

Stories of My Life


Born in Battle

Bombardier's Diary

Lost Airmen

Langdon Liberando