This is a list of B-24s lost.
First HALPRO mission, Ploesti, June 12, 1942:
41-11596 Brooklyn Rambler Brown, N. K. Interned in Turkey ***
41-11597 Blue Goose Cave, E. A. Interned in Turkey
41-11609 Little Eva Walker, H. E. Interned in Turkey
41-11622 Town Hall Nesbitt, F. W. Interned in Turkey
41-11629 Jap Trap Mooty, M. T. Crash landed Iraq
*** Was used by a group of interned airmen to escape. Was flown to Crete.
Tobruk Harbor, June 29, 1942:
41-11624 Ball of Fire Nestor, F. E. Ditched at sea
Mediterranean convoy, July 9, 1942:
41-11618 Ole Rock Butler, K. W. Crashed
Benghazi, Libya, July 13, 1942:
41-11600 Eager Beaver Brown, C. O. Ditched
Benghazi, Libya, July 23, 1942:
41-11615 Mona the Lame Duck Fountain, W. A. Crash landing upon return. All survived the crash.
Lydda, Palestine, August 1, 1942
41-11601 Hellsapoppin Sturkie, H. N. Crash landing
Benghazi, Libya, October 6, 1942:
41-11910 Sag Ass Sally Wilhite, I. J. Crash landing, all survived
Maleme, Crete, October 28, 1942:
unknown #18 Kidd, J W. Flak
Tobruk, Libya, November 15, 1942:
41-11592 Draggin Lady Wilcox, J. R. enemy fighters, crash landed in desert
Tripoli, Libya, November 21, 1942:
41-11646 Battleaxe Whitlock, G. B. crash landed in desert
Sousse, Tunisia, Dec. 28, 1942
41-11xxx Skylark Edmonds, H. W. Crash landing
Naples, Italy, Jan 11, 1943
41-11593 Black Maria II Payne, J. H. Shot down
41-23801 ? Prchal, L. A. Shot down
Messina, Sicily, Jan 31, 1943
41-11603 Malicious Toomey, J. M. Shot down
unknown #37 Uhrich, G. A. Crash landing at base
41-23660 Poison Ivy Stewart, W. S. Crash landing at base
Messina Harbor, Feb. 7, 1943
41-11602 Babe the Blue Ox Brereton, J. K. MIA
Naples, April 4, 1943
41-24301 Lady Be Good Hatton, W. J. MIA
Catania, Sicily, April 17, 1943
unknown #43 Hurd, R. F. Crash landing
Naples Harbor, April 28, 1943
41-24270 Pizzonia Bendoritis, J. V. Crashed at sea
Messina, Sicily, April 30, 1943
41-24200 Widdle Wed Wabbit Swarner, W. C. Crashed at sea
Gerbini A/D, Sicily, July 1, 1943
42-40314 Satan’s Sister Eakins, T. A. Crashed on takeoff
Catania, Sicily, July 8, 1943
42-40321 ---- Field, W. (NMI) Crashed
Crashed, Bari Italy, July 16, 1943
42-40110 Pink Lady Smith, R. (NMI) enemy fighters
42-40236 Fertile Myrtle Hinson, C. G. enemy fighters
42-40649 ---- Rose, S. D. enemy fighters
Operation Tidalwave, August 1, 1943
41-24294 Brewery Wagon Palm, J. D. crashed
41-24297 Chief Wahoo Hines, W. E. interned Turkey
42-40563 Wongo Wongo! Flavelle, B. W. crashed at sea, south of Corfu
42-40658 Warmaid Miller, J. (NMI) Diverted to Cyprus
Weiner Neustadt, Austria, August 13, 1943
42-40392 Chum VII DuFour, J. P. crash landed at Tunis
Foggia, Italy, August 16, 1943
42-40664 Teggie Anne Hurd, D. B. Shot down
Foggia, Italy, August 19, 1943
42-40660 Little Richard Friberg, W. V. Shot down
Sulmona, Italy, Sep. 3, 1943
42-40318 ---- Beville, E. L. Shot down
Weiner Neustadt, Austria, October 1, 1943
41-24030 ---- Frechette, O. (NMI) crash landed at Palermo, Sicily
42-72927 ---- Knox, F. H. crash landed at Tunis
Eleusis, Greece, Oct. 5, 1943
41-24035 The Gremlin Petty, C. A. Enemy fighters
42-40206 8 Ball Buehl, F. D. Enemy fighters
42-72902 ---- Fallon, P. J. Enemy fighters
Weiner Neustadt, Austria, Oct 24, 1943
42-40315 Wolf Pack Turner, K. J. Shot down
Weiner Neustadt, Austria, Nov. 2, 1943
41-24258 Desert Lilly Schick, H. L. Shot down
42-73084 Ropes McGonigle Tennant, J. L. Shot down
Sofia, Bulgaria, Nov. 24, 1943
42-41018 Earthquake Gore, P. W. Shot down
42-73137 ---- Stanisavljevich, D. M. (Yugo) Shot down
Eleusis, Greece, Dec. 6, 1943
42-72844 Jackie's Boy Metzger, W. Shot down
Augsburg, Germany, Dec. 19, 1943
41-11779 Lil Abner Thurman, E. D. Crash landed at base
42-41175 Sad Sack Rice, D. P Enemy fighters
42-73089 ---- Milloyevich, D. . (Yugo) Shot down
Sofia, Bulgaria, Dec. 20, 1943
42-73428 Big Nig Brown, Jr., R. W. mid-air w/ enemy fighter
Vicenza, Italy, Dec. 28, 1943
42-40203 Little Isadore Sonaglia, J. L. Shot down
42-40229 Bomb Boogie Collison, J. M. Shot down
42-40657 G.I. Ginnie Farmer, I. (NMI) Shot down
42-40658 Ole Sarge/Warmaid Haigh, T. (NMI) Shot down
42-41256 Red Wing Wendell, C. H. Shot down
42-72768 Ready Willing, and Able Jackson, R. S. Shot down
42-72773 Frankie Ferocious Frechette, O. (NMI) Shot down
42-72852 ---- Brown, Paul H. Shot down
42-73088 The Joker Wenzinger, H. J. Shot down
42-73078 Superstitious Aloysius Fortenberry, J. W. Shot down
San Pan, Jan 16, 1944
42-72850 Georgia Cracker Pearson, R. O. mid-air during practice
Anzio, Italy, Feb. 12, 1944
42-41184 ---- Thrasher, L. E. Shot down
42-72896 ---- Martin, A. O. Shot down
Anzio, Italy, Feb. 17, 1944
42-73083 Vitamin P Walsh, D. E. crashed
Regensburg, Germany, Feb 22, 1944
42-100253 ---- Evatt, H. C. mid-air with each other
42-72847 K.O. Katy II Folck, A. C.
crashed, Steyr, Austria, Feb 23, 1944
42-52200 ---- Belyea, E. H. Shot down
42-52206 Ye Ole Fur Wagon Gibbons, H. B. Shot down
42-52273 ---- White, J. W. Shot down
42-73090 Harry the Horse Grice, M. E. Shot down
42-100255 ---- Chase, B. B. Shot down
42-100257 ---- Shannon, Jr., W. P. Shot down
42-100265 ---- Hay, O. W. Shot down
42-109843 ---- Watson, E. F. Shot down
Regensberg, Germany, Feb 25, 1944
unknown #78 Killgore K. K. crashed
Bolzano, Italy, March 29, 1944
41-29279 ---- Turner, M. A. crash landed
Steyr, Austria, April 2, 1944
42-78085 ---- Breen, J. J. Crashed
42-41031 Daisy Mae Vogler C. S. Crashed
Bucharest, Hungary, April 4, 1944
42-40209 Wild Wolf Turner, M. Crashed on takeoff
42-40661 Black Saturday Brown, L. J. Crashed
Schwechat, Austria, April 23, 1944
41-29435 ---- Davis, J. G. Crashed
Ploesti, Romania, April 24, 1944
41-29556 Tobacco Rhoda Wiltbank, R. J. Crashed
Frascati, Italy, May 23, 1944
42-72772 ---- Gallagher, R. J. Crashed
Weiner Neustadt, Austria, May 24, 1944
42-64467 Lonesome Polecat Matthews, R. R. Crashed
crashed, Weiner Neustadt, Austria, May 29, 1944
42-95338 Battering Ram Whaley, E. C. Crashed
42-41176 Slow Time Sally Carmel, J. H. Crashed
Pottendorf, Austria, May 30, 1944
42-72892 Bubbles Mitchell, R. W. Crashed
Polesti, Romania, May 31, 1944
41-28926 ---- Turner, M. A. Crash landed
Ploesti, Romania, June 6, 1944
42-78075 ---- Estep, E. C. Crashed
Constanta, Romania, June 11, 1944
41-28920 Big Marge Sierk, L. V. landed in Russia and returned
crashed, Bratislavia, Czechoslovakia, June 16, 1944
41-29294 Miss Minerva II Drake, H. B.
41-29308 ---- Poe, J. W.
42-78209 The Wheel Marcus, F. P.
crashed, Ploesti, Romania, June 24, 1944
42-52547 ---- Rudd, M. J.
42-78111 ---- Groom, V. R.
42-78190 Problem Child Hampton, J. B.
42-78373 ---- Umphries, J. O.
crashed, Schwechat, Austria, June 26, 1944
44-40091 ---- Hayden, T. J.
Budapest, Hungary, July 2, 1944
42-51151 ---- Rutherford, F. O.
42-73140 ---- Jenson, J. E.
Giurgiu, Romania July 3, 1944
41-28960 ---- Sparta, J. J. Enemy fighters
42-51157 ---- Holgate, W. R. Enemy fighters
42-94779 ---- Staveley, A. J. Enemy fighters
42-95388 ---- Hillman, G. H. Enemy fighters
42-109831 ---- Dugi, A. H. Enemy fighters
Markersdorf, Austria, July 8, 1944
41-28951 ---- Poe, J. W. mid-air with each other
42-109844 ---- Shepard, J. F. mid-air with each other
Budapest, Hungary, July 14, 1944
41-28920 Big Marge White, J. H. crashed
Ploesti, Romania, July 15, 1944
42-73139 ---- Eden, M. W. crashed
Budapest, Hungary, July 27, 1944
42-50421 ---- Brazelton, H. F. Crash landed soon after takeoff
Targoviste, Romania, July 31, 1944
42-72767 Flame McGoon Paterick, W. J. crashed
Toulon, France, August 6, 1944
41-28965 Vivie Amann, A. A. crashed
Ploesti, Romania, August 10, 1944
42-52181 My Aching Back Miller, L. H. mech. Fail., crashed in Adriatic
42-64373 ---- Cloer, G. R.
42-73417 Hairless Joe Badger, T. C.
42-78320 ---- Rigg, D. E.
42-78464 Upsy Daisy Morrow, C. G. shot down
42-99761 ---- Lowry, C. W.
August 15, 1944
44-41086 ---- Rimerman, F. A. Exploded on takeoff
Ploesti, Romania, August 17, 1944
42-78206 Desert Fury McConnaughey, J. R.
42-78386 ---- Westby, M. K.
44-40489 ---- Ford, H. V.
Lobau, Austria, August 22, 1944
42-73085 ---- Radosavlyevich, B. N. (Yugo)
44-40330 Hardway Ten Andrew, C. crash landed
44-40502 Bessa Me Mucho Stickle, M. N.
Vienna, Austria, Sept. 10, 1944
42-78492 ---- James, R. B.
Munich, Germany, Sept. 12, 1944
41-28762 Tailwind Click, D. W.
Maribor, Yugoslavia, Oct. 14, 1944
42-51719 ---- Hann, R. J.
Steyr, Austria, October 16, 1944
42-51646 Little Joe James, R. B., crash landed at Ancona
42-78337 ---- Dale, H. W., no known casualities
42-94987 Yum Yum Pitts, J. J.
Vienna, Austria, Oct 17, 1944
42-51401 ---- Lentz, R. T.
42-51568 ---- Kamps, A. L.
42-51814 ---- Bishop, J. P. ditched per 376 report
44-40490 NoNoCleo Grady, J. R. crash landed at 456 HBG
Exploded upon return to base after mission scrubbed, Nov. 1, 1944
42-99752 Miss O'Lanious Cornay, R. N.
crashed, Mezzocorona, Italy, Nov 11, 1944
42-50420 ---- Reed, D. O.
42-50960 Mary Ellen Mader, W. W.
42-78337 ---- Langer, D. F.
Mezzocorona, Italy, Nov. 12, 1944
44-41171 ---- Harris, W. W.
Verona, Italy, Nov. 22, 1944
44-10631 Slow-Time-Sally James, R. B. landed at Foggia, plane damaged
Szombathely, Hungary, Dec. 6, 1944
42-78608 ---- Hicks, L. O.
Mooserbierbaum, Austria, Dec. 11, 1944
42-78602 ---- Witkin, W. I. crash landing
Innsbruck, Austria, Dec. 15, 1944
42-51142 ---- Kremer, G. A.
Vienna, Austria, Dec 18, 1944
41-29606 Der Flittermouse Kemp, G. G.
42-51658 Yankee Girl Moore, C. D.
Hall, Austria, Dec. 25, 1944
42-78347 ---- Williams, D. D.
Avisio, Italy, Dec. 26, 1944
44-40884 ---- Brainard, H. V.
Linz, Austria, Jan 8, 1945
42-95285 Red Ryder Scott, P. R.
Vienna, Austria, Jan 15, 1945
42-78321 Sad Sack McKinney, R. Q.
42-78400 Peggy Ritter, R. S.
44-40496 ---- Taylor', W. S.
Mooserbierbaum, Austria, Jan. 31, 1945
41-28911 ---- Andrus, R. E.
42-51183 Bad Penny Bartol, W. J. crash landed
42-51635 Blue Streak II Gage, S. F. crash landed at San Pan
Mooserbierbaum, Austria, Feb. 7, 1945
41-29401 ---- Ballinger, W. F., crash landing in Yugo
42-78379 ---- Feak, R. G., crash landing in Yugo
42-78476 Send Me Baby Breitmayer, W. F.
44-48972 ---- McGlynn, E. F.
44-48964 ---- Wood, W. C.
Matzleindorf, Austria, Feb. 15, 1945
42-50281 ---- Nulty, L. B.
Korneuberg, Austria, Feb. 17, 1945
44-40441 ---- Parks, R. G.
Matzleindorf, Austria, Feb. 21, 1945
42-51888 ---- Klee, J. R. crash landing
Neumarkt, Germany, Feb. 22, 1945
42-78502 Pretty Baby Bartels, H. J. crash landing
Linz, Austria, March 31, 1945
42-50342 What Next? Lumsden, G. T.
44-50393 Double Shot Sam Rendahl, G. E.
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DATES: Sep 25-28, 2025
CITY:Rapid City, SD
HOTEL: Best Western Ramkota Conference Hotel; 2111 North LaCrosse St., Rapid City, SD 57702; 605-343-8500
Click here to read about the reunion details.