James Bishop Crew

by William M. Davis
(Richmond, Va)

James Bishop Crew

James Bishop Crew

James P. Bishop Crew
Mission History 36 verified missions July 1944 - March 1945
A combination of Ed Clendenin's Book 376th Heavy Bomb Group Mission History - James P. Bishop crew and Mr. Chipoletti's notes verifying these missions. S-SGT Weido Chipoletti was the nose turret gunner with the James P. Bishop Crew stationed at San Pancrazio, Italy. He flew 36 missions from July 1944 thru March 1945 and kept a record of all 36 mission on the back of AMC ( Allied Military Currency ) Notes.

1944-07-27 Mission 01 - Manfried Weiss Industrial Complex - Budapest, Hungary, Saw ME 109

1944-07-31 Mission 02 - Targoviste Oil Storage, Romania Heavy FLAK saw B-24 Go Down Yugo P-38 Escort. According to 376 Mission History the escort was the 332nd TA The Tuskegee Airmen

1944-08-06 Mission 03 - Toulon, France, Main German Naval & Sub Bases Mediterranean
Heavy FLAK, 10 Holes, saw B-24 Go Down, No escort. 8 hrs

1944-08-12 Mission 04 - Toulon France Gun Emplacement Light FLAK 3 Runs on Target P-51 Escort 8 1/2 Hrs

1944-08-14 Mission 05 - Genoa, Savana Italy, Gun Emplacements
WC Notes: Gun Emplacements, Light FLAK, No Escort 7 Hrs

1944-08-17 Mission 06 - Ploesti, Rumania, Oil Refinery, Heavy FLAK 15 Holes, Saw B-24 Go Down,
P-51 Escort, 7 Hrs.

1944-08-20 Mission 07 - Sloznak, Hungary Marshalling Yard, Light FLAK, No Escort, 6 1/2 Hrs.

1944-08-23 Mission 08 - Vienna Austria, Vosendorf Oil Refinery, Heavy FLAK, Saw Rockets, P-51 P-38 Escort 7 1/2 Hrs

1944-08-29 Mission 09 - Borovinco, Yugo Railroad Viaduct No FLAK 2 Runs on Target, No Escort, 6 1/2 Hrs,

1944-08-30 Mission 10 - Cuprija, Yugo Railroad Viaduct, No FLAK, P-38 Escort, 5 Hrs

1944-09-01 Mission 11 - Kraljeyo, Yugo Railroad Viaduct No FLAK 2 Runs on Target, P-51 Escort, 4 1/2 Hrs

1944-09-04 Mission 12 - Avisio Brenner Pass, Italy, Light FLAK, 1000LB Bombs, P-38 Escort 7 hrs

1944-09-05 Mission 13 - Ferrara, Italy Railroad Viaduct, 2000LB Bombs, P-38 & P-51 Escort, 6 1/2 Hrs,

1944-09-12 Mission 14 - Munich Germany Airplane Engine Factory, Heavy FLAK, 4 Holes, 1000LB Bombs, P-38 & P-51 Escort, Saw P-38 Go down 8 Hrs

1944-09-13 Mission 15 - Aviso, Italy Brenner Pass Bridge, Light FLAK, 1000LB Bombs, No Escort, 7 Hrs

1944-09-17 Mission 16 - Budapest, Hungary Marshaling Yard, Heavy FLAK, 1000LB Bombs, P-38 & P-51 Escort, 7 Hrs

1944-09-18 Mission 17 - Budapest, Hungary Railroad Bridge, Heavy FLAK, 2000LB Bombs, P-38 & P-51 Escort, 7 Hrs

1944-09-19 Mission 18 - Mitrovica, Yugo Railroad Bridge No FLAK, 2000LB Bombs, P-38 Escort 4 1/2 Hrs

1944-09-20 Mission 19 - Bratislava, Czechoslovakia Oil Refinery Heavy FLAK, 500LB Bombs, P-51 Escort, 7 1/2 Hrs

1944-09-22 Mission 20 - Larrisa, Greece Marshaling Yard, No FLAK, 500LB Bombs, 2 Runs on Target, No Escort, 5 Hrs

1944-09-24 Mission 21 - Athens, Greece Air Field, Light FLAK, 100LB Bombs, P-51 Escort, 6 1/2 Hrs

1944-10-04 Mission 22 - Bolzano, Italy Railroad Bridge, No FLAK, 2000LB Bombs, No Escort, 7 Hrs

1944-10-07 Mission 23 - Komara, Hungary Marshalling Yard, Light FLAK, 500LB Bombs, P-38 & P-51 Escort, 7 Hrs

1944-10-10 Mission 24 - Padua Italy Railroad Bridge, Light FLAK, No Bomb Run Weather, No Escort, 5 1/2 Hrs

*1944-10-13 Mission 25 - Banhida, Hungary Marshalling Yard, Heavy FLAK, Nose Turret Shot Up Received Purple Heart, Lead Squadron, P-38 Escort 7 Hrs

1944-10-16 Mission 26 - Styer, Austria Tank Works Szombathely Hungary, Heavy FLAK, Lead Squadron,
P-51 Escort, 8 hrs

*1944-10-17 Mission 27 - Vienna Austria Goods Depot, Heavy FLAK, P-38 & P-51 Escort 8 Hrs, Lost 3 Engines Ditched in Adriatic picked up by Italian fishing boat. Lead Ship also went Down.

1944-11-05 Mission 28 - Vienna Austria Goods Depot, Heavy FLAK, 500LB Bombs, P-51 Escort, 8 Hrs

1944-11-07 Mission 29 - Brenner Pass Italy Railroad Viaduct, Heavy FLAK, 1000LB Bombs,
Lead Squadron, P-51 Escort, 7 Hrs

1944-11-09 Mission 30 - Mitrovica, Yugoslavia Troop Concentration, No FLAK, Under cast,
Deputy Group Lead, 100LB Bombs, P-38 Escort, 5 Hrs

1944-11-12 Mission 31 - Brenner Pass Mezzocorona, Italy Railroad Bridge, Heavy FLAK, Hit Aerodrome Good Results, Lead Squadron, P-38 Escort, 8 Hrs

1944-12-06 Mission 32 - Szombathely Hungary Heavy FLAK, Lead Ship Shot Down &

Wing Ship went down, Fighters Shot 2 more of our planes down, P-51 & P-38 Escort, 8 Hrs

1944-12-17 Mission 33 - Saltzburg Austria Railroad Got FLAK, Wing Lead, P-38 Escort, 7 1/2 Hrs

1945-02-17 Mission 34 - Graz Hungary Marshalling Yard, Light Flak, P.F.F., Wing Lead, P-51 Escort, 8 Hrs

1945-03-13 Mission 35 - Regensburg Germany Marshalling Yard No FLAK, p-51 Escort, 8 1/4 Hrs

1945-03-21 Mission 36 - Nueburg Germany Jet Airfield No FLAK, Saw Enemy ME 262 Fighters Take Off, Fighters made pass at Group ahead of P-51 Escort 8 Hrs

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Aug 06, 2014
by: Clark Baldon

To the James Bishop Crew, Thanks for your service!!!

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The website 376bg.org is NOT our site nor is it our endowment fund.

At the 2017 reunion, the board approved the donation of our archives to the Briscoe Center for American History, located on the University of Texas - Austin campus.

Also, the board approved a $5,000 donation to add to Ed Clendenin's $20,000 donation in the memory of his father. Together, these funds begin an endowment for the preservation of the 376 archives.

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My Trip to San Pancrazio

October 2019


NOTE change in the schedule !!

DATES: Sep 25-28, 2025

CITY:Rapid City, SD

HOTEL: Best Western Ramkota Conference Hotel; 2111 North LaCrosse St., Rapid City, SD 57702; 605-343-8500

Click here to read about the reunion details.

previous reunions

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Full Circle

Shadows of Wings

Ten Men, A "Flying Boxcar," and A War

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A Measure of Life

Shot Down In Yugoslavia

Stories of My Life


Born in Battle

Bombardier's Diary

Lost Airmen

Langdon Liberando