Eight Decades: the "allied" bombing of Leskovac

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On the first Friday of the ninth month of this year, it will be 80 years since the so-called "allied" bombing of Leskovac, the bloodiest and, by consequences, the most disastrous event in the history of this city. An entire human century, more than enough to give an answer to others, and first of all to ourselves, and say: BECAUSE, after decades of asking the depressingly naive question "why". 
So, it is certainly not because of the destruction of enemy manpower or logistics, nor because it was cloudy over the Romanian oil fields, so, well, they had to dump their deadly cargo somewhere. Leskovac was razed to the ground for another reason. 
In order to "clear" the ground for the newly arriving communist, more precisely, Titoist government, in which there was no place for the Serbian civil fabric, counter-revolutionary by definition, and therefore just as susceptible to destruction as the Nazi occupier himself. Maybe more. Because ... after the bombardment of cities, there was a further detailed "combing" of Serbia, and so, in addition to our dumping ground in Slavnik, we have about 200 "dog cemeteries" scattered across Serbia where people were taken and liquidated without trial. So far, 60,000 people have been listed by name, and it is estimated that three times as many died in this way. 
The bombing of Leskovac follows the intense "diplomatic" activities 
of the Yugoslav communist leader during the previous month of August, when he went to visit Churchill in Naples and Pope Pius XII in the Vatican. In that period, the British put tremendous pressure on the Yugoslav government in exile to give up General Dragoljub Mihailović and the JVuO, or order them to place themselves under the command of the communists and Josip 
Broz. That is why several Prime Ministers, not agreeing to that ultimatum, successively submitted their resignations in a short period of time, so that the burden would de facto fall on the young King Peter II.

After the bestial destruction of the civilian population and the cultural heritage of Leskovac, a clear message was sent, since it was the date of the king's birthday, what will happen to the rest of Serbia and the Serbian ethnic area if it does not comply with the mentioned request. Less than a week after that, the famous proclamation follows in which the Government and the king calls on Mihailović to submit to the communists, and those who do not do so 
should be considered apostates in the eyes of the allies. After that, demoralized, in a situation where its supreme commander renounced and allies betrayed, JVuO practically does not represent a relevant combat factor. With Leskovac, the bombing campaign in this area practically ends. The purpose was clearly achieved. 
In the distribution of roles in this gruesome show, we have: the main organizer and the indirect beneficiary: Great Britain and its leader Churchill, the Americans and their bombers as a mace, and the Yugoslav communists and their leader as the ultimate beneficiaries. Ah, yes: we can single out as a historical phenomenon of the 20th century, the Serbian communists, the distinct majority of the fighting forces of the entire partisan movement, completely brainwashed, who in their ideological blindness rejoice in the death of their own people, thinking that they are thereby destroying 
the class enemy. Testimonies also show that this statement is not exaggerated. Fitzroy McLean, Winston Churchill's chief emissary at the partisan headquarters, after a cloud of smoke and fire remained over Leskovac, notes that the partisans, who together with him 
watched the bombing from a safe distance, were happily playing a round. Too much even for his aristocratic stomach.

In Prijepolje, which also suffered "allied" bombing, the joy of the partisans is even more explicit. They, while the bombs are falling on the city, sing "Let 
the Chetniks see, for whom they are allies!" 
In this part of the great chess game, Churchill wins over Stalin, by not adhering strictly to class-ideological premises in the choice of allies, but makes the decision on the basis of deeper geostrategic reasons. By choosing Broz as an ally, he ensures the suppression of the Serbian factor, Russia's main ally in the Balkans and Britain's arch-enemy. To the objection of one of his closest collaborators in the style: are we going to support the establishment of a communist regime there - Churchill answers with the question: "Are you going to live in that country?" 
In short: that's why Leskovac was bombed. 
It remains to consider each other why.

Why do we pretend to be incompetent and invent our own executioners even today as our "European partners"? It seems that we are guided by the black-humored aphorism: "The executioner was with the victim, when it was most difficult for her". 
Why is the first inscription on the monument to the victims of the bombing of Leskovac on September 6

  1. (erected only in 1991!) read "Grateful Leskovčani". Imagine - "grateful 
    Leskovci" - it was, at the very least, a mockery of our ancestors who were killed as innocent citizens by those whose arrival they dreamed of in the dark corner of the room next to Radio London. To tell the truth, those who came to power with the help of their allies were really grateful to those who disappeared from this world in such a cruel way and freed up space for them for a new state of brotherhood and unity of executioners and victims. 
    And the current inscription on the monument to the victims of the bombing speaks volumes about our vagueness and confusion. "Memorial fountain dedicated to the innocent victims of bombing in 1941-1944". (Okay, let's say there's a fountain, but these days it doesn't work - there's no water in the middle of the summer!) It turns out that the bombing lasted continuously for four years, and we still don't see who bombed us in '44. (Americans), and who in '41. (Germans). Is it the Russians, the Chinese... North Korea?

But, well - someone who has been taught for decades that 2 and 2 = 6 must, it seems, first "learn" that 2 and 2 = 5, before discovering the correct result. 
How is it possible that even today there is disproportionately more public talk about the German bombing of Belgrade on April 6, 1941, than about the "Allied" bombing of the capital on Easter, April 16, 1944, which in terms of the number of victims and consequences was worse than the one that the war was declared three years earlier, and when were hospitals, maternity hospitals and other health facilities the most victims?! 
Every year, on April 6, the central diary of the state television begins with a film recording of the infamous pike and Messerschmitt over Belgrade, but 
we don't remember the "bloody Easter" ten days later. We do not find it necessary to recall how an unexploded bomb with the inscription "Happy Easter" was found among the ruins of Belgrade. In Cyrillic. Tear-worthy attention to those who on that day intended to celebrate the holiday in joyful expectation of a quick end to the war. Instead, a few years ago, more precisely in 2020, someone decided that on that day, April 6, several of the main city symbols of Belgrade should be painted in the colors of Germany, the Federal Republic, as a sign of our support for those who are currently suffering the most in the fight against the corona virus !

When a man reads in one breath the memories of witnesses to the bombing 
of Leskovac, translated into Sava Dimitrijević's book "A stone to remember", and then goes out for the thousandth time to walk the streets of the city where he was born and to which he was related, a strange feeling comes over him. He suddenly realized that the patina that has been covering the buildings of socialist realist architecture for a long time is not authentic and that original buildings stood in those places or somewhere close to them, which were destroyed twice: by bombs and oblivion, and by those in command. The feeling is probably somewhat similar, like when a man learns in his mature years that his father and mother are not his real, biological parents. Someone almost said that this city was built by Serbs and Russians (famous architect Grigorije Samoilov) and demolished by Americans (English, anyway) and communists.

Leskovac has been permanently changed since that date. So much changed that today, in a city of indisputable Serbian tradition and entire history, if you walk down the main street, you can count Cyrillic inscriptions on the fingers of one hand. Everything else is in Latin. More and more in English, "of all the way". In Latin, there are squads and inscriptions on cardboard stuck in piles of potatoes and tomatoes at the market. Our modern people. 
And a hundred and more years ago, when the Serbian army liberated Belgrade from the Austro-Hungarian occupier, a Serbian officer, the temporary commander of the city, issued an order that within two weeks all inscriptions in Latin should be removed and replaced with Cyrillic. And it would be done. 
Thus changed Leskovac and dislocated Serbia, however, have refused to 
understand who and what they are for half a century. There is still a cry for "brotherhood and unity" with those for whose liberation from two imperial empires our great-grandfathers gave their lives, and they waited and waited for the first opportunity to stab them in the back. 

For five full decades, we have been watching the legendary "Otpisane" - a partisan western spectacle, in which Germans are blown into the air by Prlet's bombs, and according to the number of Schwab in that series, the Second World War had to end at least two years earlier. The series, whose real name should be "Did you catch that Prlet" ( Hitler's last words!) is mainly a shameless appropriation of illegal activity, a rival anti-fascist movement, to which, in addition to many, and which hides like a snake's legs, belonged, 
for example, the legendary Rajko Mitic. Of course, without shooting fireworks and a bunch of killed Germans, because that's what the heads of ordinary citizens were flying for. You remember: a table for one. Someone took care of it, someone didn't. 
Thus, the culture of memory in our country is reduced to "it was, then it was over", "it was, it was not recovered ". Of course - it didn't come back, but what was it. If we don't know what is real - it will surely come back. Maybe in a different form, but it will come back. Until recently, we received lessons from the West, that we consume too much history and that, instead of the past, we should look to the future. Into a future designed according to them, where children will choose from preschool age whether they will be male or female, and in every class there will be a bowl of sand in the corner of the classroom for the children who choose to defecate.

To be cats! And the entire amazing luggage of their agendas composed of even more amazing nonsense and lies. 
They know them well that - who masters the past, mosques of the present and will be made by the future. I just idiotically disgust the past, as some ballast, which prevents us from watching the future designed in their way. The time we live in only one point on the long history line. If we don't see where and how that line leads to this day, we can't know where that leads us further. We hover as an insignificant particle.

For the purpose of remodeling from the historical doping, we allegedly undergoing, shamelessly, and one of our largest writers, Borislav Pekić, and a couple of years through TV spots and billboards quoted by his thought to - paraphrase: " 
Had eyes at the back of the nape, if it should constantly look at it in the past ". Of course, the rank of those who ordered it, because they don't know about the feeling of shame. The embarrassment is ours and only ours, because we have allowed it and which we allow each other every day. And we make smart. What would Stevan Sremac said: "Serb, when he wants to be smart, he takes the opinion of the enemy." 
So, the quoted Pekić's sentence, it is certainly not his attitude about life, it is just a sentence from his novel "How to Correct Vampire". That sentence, that thought, that value attitude, belongs to the main character from the novel, the Rutkovski officer who, returning to the crime scene, trying to calm 
his own bloody past. to be in-the-past-non-need-return. 
Cited instructions of numerous West emissaries, therefore, we must not go 
back to their own history, because there are a multitude of aging facts that would crash their reputation, and also many facts that would dispel our sense of historical, cultural and every other inferiority compared to them. 
So, read, listen and learn about the true history of your people. Only this way will you use the vampire. 
Nebojsa Stankovic, graduate political science 

Liberandos Patch


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At the 2017 reunion, the board approved the donation of our archives to the Briscoe Center for American History, located on the University of Texas - Austin campus.

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My Trip to San Pancrazio

October 2019


NOTE change in the schedule !!

DATES: Sep 25-28, 2025

CITY:Rapid City, SD

HOTEL: Best Western Ramkota Conference Hotel; 2111 North LaCrosse St., Rapid City, SD 57702; 605-343-8500

Click here to read about the reunion details.

previous reunions

For Sale

Divine Burden


The Other Doolittle Raid

The Broken Wings of Zlatibor

The Liberandos

Three Crawford Brothers

Liberando: Reflections of a Reluctant Warrior

376th Bomb Group Mission History

The Last Liberator

Full Circle

Shadows of Wings

Ten Men, A "Flying Boxcar," and A War

I Survived Ploesti

A Measure of Life

Shot Down In Yugoslavia

Stories of My Life


Born in Battle

Bombardier's Diary

Lost Airmen

Langdon Liberando