LTCOL Ernest M. Duckworth USAF Retired (Arlington National Cemetery)

My father was Ernest M. Duckworth and he did relate some of his experiences in the war as a navigator/bombardier in the 376th but there is one story that he never told me or my brother. We only found out about one particular incident from our uncle Richard Duckworth, Dad's eldest brother.

Uncle Richard mentioned once at a family get-together in Rhode Island that dad had washed out of pilot training in Montgomery Alabama. Of course we were flabbergasted to even think that Dad could wash out of anything he attempted.

The situation in Montgomery Alabama in the 1940s was what might be called "Racially Biased"

In formation one morning the drill Sargent got on my Dad's case because he was a "Yankee" from Rhode Island. He kept harassing Dad's Yankeeness and finally called Dad a God-Damned Yankee Nigger-Lover.

Dad was one to not tolerate bigotry and he punched the Sargent out cold.

He was immediately drummed out of pilot training.

Later he applied for navigator school and was immediately accepted having a BS degree in science and having been a high-school math and science teacher.

As it turned out it was the best for Dad and the Army Air Corps because dad was one hell of a navigator/bombardier.

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Jun 02, 2018
The South in 1940's
by: Lynn F. Bianchi

Please do not judge the 1940's South by 2018's standards. Segregation existed in the USA even in the Armed Forces, so let's not be so quick to assume this sort of thing happened only because it was in the South. My point is, then as now, bigotry and prejudice exist everywhere, and we should do all we can to eliminate them, without resorting to violence against a DI who is trying (successfully) to 'push all your buttons'. Also, wars are not fought for peace. Wars are fought to promote one ideology over another, one culture over another, one people over another. History clearly shows this. I'm sure Col. Duckworth went on to become a great asset to the AAC, but being unable to control his own anger at that time would justly render him unsuitable for a pilot's duties.

Apr 25, 2018
Good For Dad!
by: Laurie Blair

Good for your father!! What a story. We were raised the same way, to be intolerant of bigotry and prejudice and to make a noise when we were confronted with it. To live in peace is why we'd fight a war in the first place.

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DATES: Sep 25-28, 2025

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HOTEL: Best Western Ramkota Conference Hotel; 2111 North LaCrosse St., Rapid City, SD 57702; 605-343-8500

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The Last Liberator

Full Circle

Shadows of Wings

Ten Men, A "Flying Boxcar," and A War

I Survived Ploesti

A Measure of Life

Shot Down In Yugoslavia

Stories of My Life


Born in Battle

Bombardier's Diary

Lost Airmen

Langdon Liberando