Malcolm McIntire

by Alan McIntire
(Stockton California)

Before I die, I would like to write a short account of my experiences
Here is the scene: we lived in tents. You weren’t assigned a tent—you just found a couple of friends—drew a tent from supply—set it up for yourself.
We slept on cots, usually 3 or 4 to a tent under army blankets. We had no sheets, no mattresses, or pillows. Some people had gasoline lanterns, a few used candles, most just got used to the darkness at night. Amazingly, I don’t remember any fires.
There was no laundry service so I didn’t wear underwear. Everybody wore cotton uniforms and if you wanted them washed, you washed them yourself.
I shaved on alternate days and my washbowl, laundry tub, and bathtub was my C.I. issued steel helmet. The one Patton made everybody in the Army wear. I never took a bath, but swam in the Mediterranean and had one towel. These were not hardship conditions. The Air Force lived a comfortable life in comparison with soldiers.
I flew 36 missions: Half (six times each) were to three targets: The ports of Messina, Catania, and the Airfields at Foggia. I also made the celebrated trip to the oil refineries at Ploesti, an airplane plant at Wiener Neustadt, a suburb of Vienna, many harbors and airfields in Sicily and Italy and missions to Athens and Rhodes.
There were two principal hazards to a bomber’s life: Anti-aircraft fire and fighter aircraft interception. I will describe both briefly and tell about several untypical missions.
German antiaircraft, was the famous 88mm cannon. AA made bombers fly high, 20,000 feet, where the crews wore oxygen masks and suffered from cold. The crucial fact was that it takes an artillery shell more than 30 seconds to reach an altitude of 20,000 feet. During these 30 seconds an airplane flies a mile and one-half. So the AA gunners are not aiming at the plane, but rather at a point 1 ½-2 miles in front of the plane.
To summarize, antiaircraft fire seldom hit anyone, but completely ruined bombing accuracy by preventing the bombers from making those straight, level bomb runs.
German AA shells were filled with TNT (trinitrotoluene) and equipped with time fuses. They burst with a puff of black smoke and the sky over the target was literally flak filled. This is the product of two illusions: You are looking at a piece of sky which is approximately a circular and perhaps five miles in diameter. Although there are hundreds of shell bursts they are distributed over perhaps 20 square miles of area and though they look impenetrable they were actually easy to fly through. The second illusion of course, is that each shell burst is only dangerous for a few seconds, but the puff of gradually dissipating smoke lasts for minutes.
German pursuit planes, usually the Messerschmidt 109, sometimes the Fokewulf 190, were equipped with four 20mm cannon, two in each wing, and were aimed by aiming the airplane. There is nothing good about being hit by cannon-fire so I will first list mitigating factors: Fighter Planes carried a limited amount of fuel so that you were never under attack longer than 15 to 20 minutes. Another factor adds an element of ugliness: a burning, smoking, or distressed bomber drew all the fighters in the area. In fact they wasted a lot of time and ammunition shooting up doomed burning bombers.
This means of course, that you fly home unscathed because of the misfortune of your friends; an ugly fact indeed.

Most of the planes I have seen shot down burned. This is a sight which once seen can never be forgotten, as you will never see it on television or a movie, I will attempt to describe: the burning plane is flying relatively straight and slightly downward. It is full of fire and the flames stream out behind exactly like a giant blowtorch, for 60 or 70 feet. Obviously, no one is alive in the plane and it burns for what seems to be an eternity. It usually ends by breaking into two, just back of the wings and after which both halves fall straight down. This brought questions to my mind—neither of which I have ever discussed with anyone.
First of course, is how much time will I have to get out, if and when we are hit and start to burn: the answer, not over a minute.
My second question: can I rely on interplane conversation or an alarm bell to tell me we are burning and that it is time to get out? Obvious answer: not only no, but hell no. After seeing planes burn I always, when we were under attack, or potentially attacked, attempted not only to watch the sky, but also to monitor the condition of our airplane—so that I would be aware if we were burning.

Comments for Malcolm McIntire

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Sep 17, 2024
Thanks to all who served
by: CJ Delmege

So glad and humbled to read your dad's experiences.

Feb 19, 2024
Thank you for your heroic service!
by: Phil Shackleton

I think we have fewer and fewer who are willing/able to do what the WWII generation did to defend liberty.

Oct 13, 2023
by: Jeff B from IL.

I just learned an amazing amount of information and I consider myself well educated when it comes to the B-24 and bombing runs. Thank you so much for sharing!

May 15, 2023
Thank you
by: Bill L

Just wanted to thank you for capturing and sharing your fathers experiences. My father served on an aircraft carrier in the pacific in WWII. He shared very little about his experiences until later in life when he began attending his ships reunions. Something about that allowed him to share some memories with me. I wish I had encouraged him to write them down. Thanks again for posting!

Mar 10, 2023
Great to read!
by: Terry Mindham

I was lucky enough to meet many airmen who flew the 17s and 24s in WWII, back in the '90s, at Air Shows, including Robert Morgan of Memphis Belle fame. I've also been able to collect many of the books written about the bombing war, by excellent authors like Freeman, Bowman and McLachlan, and visited many of the air fields in Britain. My father was wounded twice in Europe during the war on the ground, and I've also been all over the battlefields of Normandy and the Bulge. We are fortunate that our fathers survived such hell. Thank you for the posting! Terry

Mar 07, 2023
True greatness
by: Peter Newman - privileged to be a son of a WW2 veteran (NZ Airforce - Pacific Theatre)

True greatness. We are indebted to you and those with whom you served.

Dec 24, 2018
Thank you sir
by: Anonymous

Thank you for your service and sacrifice for our country. God bless you and yours...

Aug 21, 2014
addendum to Malcolm McIntires memoirs
by: Anonymous

My father, Malcolm McIntire, was a navigator in the 515th squadron, in Frank Wright's crew. I knew he was in North Africa from July to September 1943 , completing his 30 odd missions during that time. I wasn't aware of the squadron he was in, or the name of the pilot he served under, until I found your site recently. My sister, Claire, persuaded him to write down his story 4 years ago, in 2010, just after mom died. The above, edited a little, is what he wrote, later typed up and edited by my sister for clarity and to avoid repititions.

My dad said he arrived in North Africa by flying down to South America, then across the Atlantic to Khartoum in the Soudan. In Khartoum he waited 4 days or so trying to catch a flight to the base in Libya, but kept getting bumped by higher ranking officers. He said, "Finally I just went out to a C-47 and got on plane. It was overcrowded, but the pilot didn't give a damn, he just shrugged and we took off. What were they going to do if they caught me, send me to the front?"

Aug 20, 2014
by: Clark Baldon

Thanks for your story and service!!! God Bless You!!!

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October 2019


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DATES: Sep 25-28, 2025

CITY:Rapid City, SD

HOTEL: Best Western Ramkota Conference Hotel; 2111 North LaCrosse St., Rapid City, SD 57702; 605-343-8500

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The Last Liberator

Full Circle

Shadows of Wings

Ten Men, A "Flying Boxcar," and A War

I Survived Ploesti

A Measure of Life

Shot Down In Yugoslavia

Stories of My Life


Born in Battle

Bombardier's Diary

Lost Airmen

Langdon Liberando