Men assigned to the 512th Squadron without crews. They are:
Adams, Carl P. 723925 Bombardier
Buchheier, Roy H. 754878 Dept 1035, 512th Sqd.
Cochran, David or Dennis D. 793586 Pilot
Cogland, John Observor
Colarelli, Alfonso T. 673055 Navigator
Gillett, Harry R. 391056 Pilot, CO 512th Squadron
Kingsbury, John R. 819537 Co-pilot
Jessee, Howard W. 1703774 Observer
Knox, Forrest H. Pilot
Leszceyrski, Edmond A. 813400 Co-pilot
Luetzow, Albert E. 813733 Co-pilot
Macrae, Donald S. 730144 Pilot
Maucher, Robert A. Pilot
Michel, John H. 706912 Mickey Radar, Dept 1039
Moen, Clifford E. 477219 Observer
Oakley, William H. 671165 Bombardier
Plavnick, Barnett (NMI) 743886 Bombardier
Reinke, Milton M. 753617 Co-pilot
Rogers, John F. ) ? 791634 Navigator
Rodgers, John F. ) ? 791634 Navigator
Schoer, David (NMI) 690866 Bombardier
Snyder, John T. 18019832 Pilot
Steven, Raymond E. 813435 Co-pilot
Winchell, Dan R. 665960 Navigator
Wolf, Walter E. 785549 Bombardier
Armes, T. G. Camera
Bailey, Farrell M. Gunner
Buffo, Harold M. Camera
Butler, Robert T. 17031731 Radio Operator
Butts, John R. 19114351 Ball Turret
Carter, Malcolm R. 34262979 Ball Turret, Dept 748
Cline, Robert R. 33278678 Ball Turret
Cook, Alfred F. 32998424 Waist Gunner, Dept 612
Cornett, Emil (NMI) 35435457 Camera
Davis, H. Fletcher 34776579 Nose Turret
Devendorf, Jr., Wilbur 14167545 Camera, Dept 521
Doliver, Jr., Joseph 31384852 Top Turret
Edwards, Robert J. 36736940 Gunner
Ehmann, Frederick E. 33336919 Ball Turret
Einhorn, Gerald 32784824 Gunner
Forte, George D. 11101267 Dept 748, 512th Sqd.
Franoceur, Lucian P. 11054910 Engineer
Frazier, Raymond L. 33381941 Ball Turret
Hall, Allan (NMI) 20453657 Dept 932, 512th Sqd.
Hamilton, Wilton Woodrow 38125596 Ball Turret
Hamlin, Donald H. 12200365 Nose Turret
Harper, Robert J. 16141867 Camera
Heller, Calvin S. 16099340 Dept 748, 512th Sqd.
Johnson, Earl R. 160660_9 Dept 757, 512th Sqd.
Johnson, Edward A. 33473130 512th Sqd.
Judd, Jr., Kermit R. 13033249 Armorer
Kerschner, Joseph A. 15098076 Gunner
Kurk, Irvin J. 16116174 Camera
Long, Lester W. 33238097 Engineer, Dept 747
Marone, Louis (NMI) 32389287 Dept 757, 512th Sqd.
McKenna, Jr., William T. 14156002 Gunner
McLaughlin, Roy M. Nose Turret
Mills, Richard I. 12207267 Gunner
Moore, George P. 14161162 Waist Gunner, Dept 748
Morefield, Claude P. 11115037 Waist Gunner, Dept 748
O'Flaherty, Edward J. 12189235 Dept 612, 512th Sqd.
Padgett, William W. 35358017 Dept 757, 512th Sqd.
Parks, Charles E. 37413910 Camera
Penny, Richard M. 15336899 Ball Turret
Rehberg, Thomas R. 14175052 Camera, Dept 521
Sayre, Howard L. 35597575 Gunner, Dept 748
Squire, Philip (NMI) 12006672 Ball Turret, Dept 748
Stanley, Paul S. 14141074 Camera, Dept 521
Tanttari, Uljas V. 32333804 Gunner
Vaughan, Bryan 34426475 Gunner
Wall, Gofford D. 14170851 Waist Gunner, Dept. 748
Weagraff, Philip C. 34059400 Radio Operator
Wesson, Stanley (NMI) 32509750 Radio Operator
The website is NOT our site nor is it our endowment fund.
At the 2017 reunion, the board approved the donation of our archives to the Briscoe Center for American History, located on the University of Texas - Austin campus.
Also, the board approved a $5,000 donation to add to Ed Clendenin's $20,000 donation in the memory of his father. Together, these funds begin an endowment for the preservation of the 376 archives.
Donate directly to the 376 Endowment
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DATES: Sep 25-28, 2025
CITY:Rapid City, SD
HOTEL: Best Western Ramkota Conference Hotel; 2111 North LaCrosse St., Rapid City, SD 57702; 605-343-8500
Click here to read about the reunion details.