S-SGT Weido Chipoletti 515th James P. Bishop Crew

by William Davis
(Richmond, Va)

S-SGT Weido Chipoletti WWII

S-SGT Weido Chipoletti WWII

S-SGT Weido Chipoletti 376th Heavy Bombardment Gp., 515th Squadron James P. Bishop Crew.

S-SGT Weido Chipoletti was the nose turret gunner with the James P. Bishop Crew stationed at San Pancrazio, Italy. He flew 36 missions from July 1944 thru March 1945 and kept a record of all 36 mission on the back of AMC ( Allied Military Currency ) Notes. Pictures of two of these notes are included in this submission. The two notes are his record of getting shot up in the nose turret on *Mission #25 10/13/1944 Banhida, Hungary Marshalling Yard (awarded The Purple Heart) and *Mission #27 where they were shot up over Vienna and had to ditch in the Adriatic Sea. Also his service photo and a photo of him 90 years old 4th of July 2013. He flew the tough Ploesti missions in the summer of 1944, Vienna, Toulon France Sub Pens, etc see *Mission History.

October 1944 was a Bad Month for S-SGT Chipoletti. Nose turret all shot up on Friday the 13th 10/13/44 Mission #25 and Shot Down on Mission #27 10/17/44. After getting shot up on mission #25 he could have gone home but stayed, What a Hero and Patriot. They are truly the greatest generation. After getting shot down on 10/17/44 their next Mission on November 5th 1944 was right back to Vienna.

Mr. Chipoletti is 91 years old and doing fine as of 7/22/2014.

This submission is with the approval of his sons Jay and Neal Chipoletti.

*Mission History:

A combination of Ed Clendenin's Book 376th Heavy Bomb Group Mission History - James P. Bishop crew and Mr. Chipoletti's notes verifying these missions.

1944-07-27 Mission 01 - Manfried Weiss Industrial Complex - Budapest, Hungary, Saw ME 109

1944-07-31 Mission 02 - Targoviste Oil Storage, Romania Heavy FLAK saw B-24 Go Down Yugo P-38 Escort. According to 376 Mission History the escort was the 332nd TA The Tuskegee Airmen

1944-08-06 Mission 03 - Toulon, France, Main German Naval & Sub Bases Mediterranean
Heavy FLAK, 10 Holes, saw B-24 Go Down, No escort. 8 hrs

1944-08-12 Mission 04 - Toulon France Gun Emplacement Light FLAK 3 Runs on Target P-51 Escort 8 1/2 Hrs

1944-08-14 Mission 05 - Genoa, Savana Italy, Gun Emplacements
WC Notes: Gun Emplacements, Light FLAK, No Escort 7 Hrs

1944-08-17 Mission 06 - Ploesti, Rumania, Oil Refinery, Heavy FLAK 15 Holes, Saw B-24 Go Down,
P-51 Escort, 7 Hrs.

1944-08-20 Mission 07 - Sloznak, Hungary Marshalling Yard, Light FLAK, No Escort, 6 1/2 Hrs.

1944-08-23 Mission 08 - Vienna Austria, Vosendorf Oil Refinery, Heavy FLAK, Saw Rockets, P-51 P-38 Escort 7 1/2 Hrs

1944-08-29 Mission 09 - Borovinco, Yugo Railroad Viaduct No FLAK 2 Runs on Target, No Escort, 6 1/2 Hrs,

1944-08-30 Mission 10 - Cuprija, Yugo Railroad Viaduct, No FLAK, P-38 Escort, 5 Hrs

1944-09-01 Mission 11 - Kraljeyo, Yugo Railroad Viaduct No FLAK 2 Runs on Target, P-51 Escort, 4 1/2 Hrs

1944-09-04 Mission 12 - Avisio Brenner Pass, Italy, Light FLAK, 1000LB Bombs, P-38 Escort 7 hrs

1944-09-05 Mission 13 - Ferrara, Italy Railroad Viaduct, 2000LB Bombs, P-38 & P-51 Escort, 6 1/2 Hrs,

1944-09-12 Mission 14 - Munich Germany Airplane Engine Factory, Heavy FLAK, 4 Holes, 1000LB Bombs, P-38 & P-51 Escort, Saw P-38 Go down 8 Hrs

1944-09-13 Mission 15 - Aviso, Italy Brenner Pass Bridge, Light FLAK, 1000LB Bombs, No Escort, 7 Hrs

1944-09-17 Mission 16 - Budapest, Hungary Marshaling Yard, Heavy FLAK, 1000LB Bombs, P-38 & P-51 Escort, 7 Hrs

1944-09-18 Mission 17 - Budapest, Hungary Railroad Bridge, Heavy FLAK, 2000LB Bombs, P-38 & P-51 Escort, 7 Hrs

1944-09-19 Mission 18 - Mitrovica, Yugo Railroad Bridge No FLAK, 2000LB Bombs, P-38 Escort 4 1/2 Hrs

1944-09-20 Mission 19 - Bratislava, Czechoslovakia Oil Refinery Heavy FLAK, 500LB Bombs, P-51 Escort, 7 1/2 Hrs

1944-09-22 Mission 20 - Larrisa, Greece Marshaling Yard, No FLAK, 500LB Bombs, 2 Runs on Target, No Escort, 5 Hrs

1944-09-24 Mission 21 - Athens, Greece Air Field, Light FLAK, 100LB Bombs, P-51 Escort, 6 1/2 Hrs

1944-10-04 Mission 22 - Bolzano, Italy Railroad Bridge, No FLAK, 2000LB Bombs, No Escort, 7 Hrs

1944-10-07 Mission 23 - Komara, Hungary Marshalling Yard, Light FLAK, 500LB Bombs, P-38 & P-51 Escort, 7 Hrs

1944-10-10 Mission 24 - Padua Italy Railroad Bridge, Light FLAK, No Bomb Run Weather, No Escort, 5 1/2 Hrs

*1944-10-13 Mission 25 - Banhida, Hungary Marshalling Yard, Heavy FLAK, Nose Turret Shot Up Received Purple Heart, Lead Squadron, P-38 Escort 7 Hrs

1944-10-16 Mission 26 - Styer, Austria Tank Works Szombathely Hungary, Heavy FLAK, Lead Squadron,
P-51 Escort, 8 hrs

*1944-10-17 Mission 27 - Vienna Austria Goods Depot, Heavy FLAK, P-38 & P-51 Escort 8 Hrs, Lost 3 Engines Ditched in Adriatic picked up by Italian fishing boat. Lead Ship also went Down.

1944-11-05 Mission 28 - Vienna Austria Goods Depot, Heavy FLAK, 500LB Bombs, P-51 Escort, 8 Hrs

1944-11-07 Mission 29 - Brenner Pass Italy Railroad Viaduct, Heavy FLAK, 1000LB Bombs,
Lead Squadron, P-51 Escort, 7 Hrs

1944-11-09 Mission 30 - Mitrovica, Yugoslavia Troop Concentration, No FLAK, Under cast,
Deputy Group Lead, 100LB Bombs, P-38 Escort, 5 Hrs

1944-11-12 Mission 31 - Brenner Pass Mezzocorona, Italy Railroad Bridge, Heavy FLAK, Hit Aerodrome Good Results, Lead Squadron, P-38 Escort, 8 Hrs

1944-12-06 Mission 32 - Szombathely Hungary Heavy FLAK, Lead Ship Shot Down &

Wing Ship went down, Fighters Shot 2 more of our planes down, P-51 & P-38 Escort, 8 Hrs

1944-12-17 Mission 33 - Saltzburg Austria Railroad Got FLAK, Wing Lead, P-38 Escort, 7 1/2 Hrs

1945-02-17 Mission 34 - Graz Hungary Marshalling Yard, Light Flak, P.F.F., Wing Lead, P-51 Escort, 8 Hrs

1945-03-13 Mission 35 - Regensburg Germany Marshalling Yard No FLAK, p-51 Escort, 8 1/4 Hrs

1945-03-21 Mission 36 - Nueburg Germany Jet Airfield No FLAK, Saw Enemy ME 262 Fighters Take Off, Fighters made pass at Group ahead of P-51 Escort 8 Hrs

Comments for S-SGT Weido Chipoletti 515th James P. Bishop Crew

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Sep 24, 2023
new age about Weido
by: Anonymous


Apr 05, 2022
Weido's bomber is shot down, crew member report
by: Anthony Chipoletti, nephew

VIENNA CITY OF FLAK [original PDF, text and speech]

mybookmarks10 dot blogspot dot com/p/weido dot html

May 14, 2017
They're back together again
by: John W. Norris

Neal, sorry to hear about your dad. The uplifting part is that the bishop crew is back together again. There's a special bond between men that serve, especially in combat. Thinking back, I don't remember my dad talking on the phone much, unless he was talking to one of his buddies. Those were long, loud conversations filled with laughter.

Thanks for sharing him with us and thanks to Bill Davis for all you do to keep their memories alive.

My sincere condolences,

John W. Norris

John H. Norris - Radio Operator, 515th Bishop Crew 1920-1991

May 14, 2017
Always in our hearts, Uncle Weido
by: Anthony Chipoletti

My sister, Lucille, and I have always kept Uncle Weido in our hearts. His love and support for our father, Frank, his older brother, always inspired me to appreciate our family.

May 14, 2017
Lost Our Hero
by: Neal Chipoletti

So sad to write that my Dad, Weido Chipoletti, has passed peacefully on 5/12/17. He was the last living on the Bishop crew. My brothers and I will toast the crew with the "short snorter' dollar bill we found in his memorabilia. Our sincere thanks to Bill Davis for detailing his service on this page. And a very special thank you to his crew and all that have served our country.

Feb 28, 2017
Still Kickin'!
by: Neal Chipoletti

As of 2/28/17, my father, Weido Chipoletti, is still alive and battling renal disease and some dementia. but he is almost 94 yrs old now and doing great for his age.
Sadly, he is the last of his crew to still be with us. He still often speaks fondly of the bonds he and his crew made while fighting for our freedom.
We recently realized in his collection of memorabilia from his service that he had a "short snorter" bill. This is a bill signed by all the crew members and was held as "good luck" by the owner. I will try to get a pic of the bill and signatures posted on this page soon.

Dec 05, 2014
You and my father, John H. Norris flew together
by: John W. Norris (Bill)

Weido, my dad used to talk about you, Pennington, and the others all the time. I too remember the stories of the plane going down in the Adriatic. He told me so many stories over the years, and I cherish the memories.

Bill Davis, I'm grateful for the work you've put into this. My dad would've enjoyed reading them. Weido, when my dad passed away in 1991, I think you were one of the four crew members that came to the funeral. I never had the chance to thank you. That meant a lot to us. Thank you for your honorable service during the war, and know that all of you have been, and will forever be heroes in my book.

May Almighty God bless us with another generation of great Americans like these. They are truly the best this country has ever seen. Godspeed Weido

Jul 28, 2014
My father's brother
by: Anthony Chipoletti

My Uncle Weido is my father's brother. I am 75 years of age. Uncle Weido was a mentor to me for my whole life. I can remember his influence on my life from the time that I was about seven years old. Weido loved my father and they respected and loved all their family members. I was the sole caretaker for my father for more than ten years until my father died in January 2006. Weido always protected and helped my father in many ways.

Jul 28, 2014
Truly the "Greatest Generation"
by: AnonymousNeal Chipoletti

The "testicular fortitude" of these men at such a young age has appropriately earned them the nick name "The Greatest generation" and very rightfully so. All gave some.... And some gave all. Everyone of them are heroes in my book.
I would like to thanks Bill Davis for his much appreciated work on this submission. Not hard to tell he, like myself, is very proud of these men and what they did to secure our, and many others, freedom.

Jul 23, 2014
Greatest Generation
by: Anonymous

I want to thank you S-SGT. Weido Chipoletti for your service to our country and for being part of an extraordinary group on men that flew with my Grandfather Cpt.William R.Davis bombardier on LT.James Bishop's crew .on those B-24 liberators in the 15th Airforce 376th Heavy Bomb Group, 515th squadron aka "Satan's Kidss" I remover him telling me stories about the mission when you guys got shot down and ditched in the Adriatic ,I've heard him mention your name several times over the years and all good.I don't think I would be here today if it weren't for the hard work ,bravery,and honor that you guys displayed during your service in WWII over Europe.thank you and all the Airmen who flew in combat for the 15th Airforce .p.s. Just recently in Sept.2013 my father William.M Davis also a veteran of the Vietnam War. Managed to get my 6 yr old son Kade and Myself a chance to fly on a B-17 Flying Fortress a warbird "The Memphis Belle" used in the movie .over Richmond,Va. What a hoot.it was my son Kade first time flying and you could tell it was in his blood ,he loved every minute of it ,while in flight he went from one battle station to the next .and to top that off in October 2013 he managed to get us flights on the only flying B-24J Liberator in the world "The Witchcraft " and again Kade was a natural while in flight sitting on the stool looking through the Norton Bomb sight while Flying over Gettysburg Battlefield in Maryland. With my Father and myself and special guest a Luftwaffe Ace Me109 pilot .now I can really appreciate what you guys had to go through and experience without getting shit at and it was a blast .thank you again Kevin D. Davis

Jul 23, 2014
Uncle Chip, Always a hero in our hearts
by: Dyan Osborn

So very proud of my Uncle and the bravery he showed in keeping us all safe on this side of the world! Lovve him forever

Jul 23, 2014
Proud Granddaughter!
by: Ellen Chipoletti

I love stuff like this! Hero is putting it lightly!

Jul 22, 2014
by: Clark Baldon

Great story!!!! Thank you Mr Chipoletti for your service!!!

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The website 376bg.org is NOT our site nor is it our endowment fund.

At the 2017 reunion, the board approved the donation of our archives to the Briscoe Center for American History, located on the University of Texas - Austin campus.

Also, the board approved a $5,000 donation to add to Ed Clendenin's $20,000 donation in the memory of his father. Together, these funds begin an endowment for the preservation of the 376 archives.

Donate directly to the 376 Endowment

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My Trip to San Pancrazio

October 2019


NOTE change in the schedule !!

DATES: Sep 25-28, 2025

CITY:Rapid City, SD

HOTEL: Best Western Ramkota Conference Hotel; 2111 North LaCrosse St., Rapid City, SD 57702; 605-343-8500

Click here to read about the reunion details.

previous reunions

For Sale

Divine Burden


The Other Doolittle Raid

The Broken Wings of Zlatibor

The Liberandos

Three Crawford Brothers

Liberando: Reflections of a Reluctant Warrior

376th Bomb Group Mission History

The Last Liberator

Full Circle

Shadows of Wings

Ten Men, A "Flying Boxcar," and A War

I Survived Ploesti

A Measure of Life

Shot Down In Yugoslavia

Stories of My Life


Born in Battle

Bombardier's Diary

Lost Airmen

Langdon Liberando